Transtate DateTime in say command


Is there a way to format and translate an item.
I have an DateTime where i it shows the day and month in english and i would like to translate it to danish

Here is my command

say(" Klokken er " + Ntp.state.format("%1$tR") + " idag er det " + Ntp.state.format("%1$tA") + " den " + Ntp.state.format("%1$td") + ". " + Ntp.state.format("%1$tB"),null,AudioSink)

This is my output

Godmorgen allesammen  Klokken er 22:01 idag er det Thursday den 29. November 

And i would like Thursday and November to be translated

I did try with some mapping, but i cant see where to put it in, i did try this with no luck.


say(" Klokken er " + Ntp.state.format("%1$tR") + " idag er det " + Ntp.state.format([MAP("%1$tA"]) + " den " + Ntp.state.format("%1$td") + ". " + Ntp.state.format("%1$tB"),null,AudioSink)

This is the output

Godmorgen allesammen  Klokken er 22:24 idag er det [MAP(] den 29. November

Hopefully this will be enough to get you pointed in the right direction.

With this in (sorry, I only Googled today’s day of week in Danish)

1=Monday in Danish
2=Tuesday in Danish
3=Wednesday in Danish
5=Friday in Danish
6=Saturday in Danish
6=Saturday in Danish
7=Sunday in Danish

And with this code in a rule:

    var int dayOfWeek = now.getDayOfWeek
    logInfo("test", "Day of Week: {}", dayOfWeek)

    var String dayOfWeekInDanish = transform("MAP", "", dayOfWeek.toString)
    logInfo("test", "Day of Week in Danish: {}", dayOfWeekInDanish)

    var int monthOfYear = now.getMonthOfYear()
    logInfo("test", "Month of Year: {}", monthOfYear)

Will produce this output:

2018-11-29 20:41:07.931 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.test] - Day of Week: 4
2018-11-29 20:41:07.932 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.test] - Day of Week in Danish: Torsdag
2018-11-29 20:41:07.933 [INFO ] [.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.test] - Month of Year: 11
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Didn’t you set your OS to a danish locale?
For linux based OS see This

Thanks, i will test it later today


I did use this to translate to danish, and it works

EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS=" -Duser.language=da"

but now I’m having trouble showing my date correct date from 1. to 9. Shows like 01 - 09.
So today’s date is shown like 02. December.

So when I use the say command in a rule it tells me the date like, today it is the zero two December

Is there a way to remove this 0 from from 1.-9.?