July 6, 2019, 9:44am
Is it an infrared handset? You can get gubbins to eavesdrop on that, I believe. It would not tell you what the TV is doing, but only what it is has been asked to do.
Here’s a curve ball…
You ‘could’ get yourself an IR to UDP dongle, that pushes the raw IR packets into openHAB2.
Which a rule can map IR packets to items / triggers ???
This is the kit I use
Which can be hidden, if you use an external sensor, of which Keene do a wide range.
It can also be configured as a UDP to IR blaster, which I use to send IR packets from OH to …
I am stuck trying to receive IR commands via lirc binding and reacting on it in rules.
I’m running OH2 v2.3.0-snapshot (#1227) on raspberry pi 3 with a TSOP4838 IR receiver attached.
Lirc itself seems to work, at least I can see commands coming in when running $ mode2 -d /dev/lirc0
In PaperUI I installed the lirc binding and when searching for new things, the remote (in my case a Panasonic_TV) get’s listed and is shown as ONLINE.
Based on the oh2 doc I tried to create a simple rule f…
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