Trigger when an item is in state for certain time

Good morning

Is there a way in openHAB to trigger a rule when for example a window sensor is in state for a certain amount of time?

You know the problem: You have to open a window to let fresh air in but then forget about it that you have opened it (o;

thanks in advance

Not sure what you want to achieve - send a notification maybe to let you know the window is still open?

There is no need to trigger after a certain time (not sure if this is possible at all), just trigger window Item changed, start a timer when the window is changed to open. Do what ever you want when the timer expires (send notification, play a sound, power on a light,…). And just stop the timer when the window is closed before the timer expires.

Please find a rule for sendening me notifications when the yard gate is opened an remember me to close it after 5, 10 and 15 minutes:

var Timer tTor5 = null        //5min
var Timer tTor10 = null       //10min
var Timer tTor15 = null       //15min

rule "Hoftor Erinnerungen"
    Item HoftorReedZU_OpenClose changed
    if  (HoftorReedZU_OpenClose.state==OPEN) {
        sendBroadcastNotification("Hoftor ist nun geöffnet!")
            if(webOSTV_Power.state == ON) {
                webOSTV_Toast.sendCommand("Hoftor ist nun geöffnet!")
            tTor5 = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(5), [ |
                sendBroadcastNotification("Hoftor ist seit 5min offen, bitte schliessen!")
                if(webOSTV_Power.state == ON) {
                    webOSTV_Toast.sendCommand("Hoftor ist seit 5min offen, bitte schliessen!")
                tTor10 = null
                    tTor10 = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(5), [ |
                        sendBroadcastNotification("Hoftor ist seit 10min offen, bitte schliessen!")
                        if(webOSTV_Power.state == ON) {
                            webOSTV_Toast.sendCommand("Hoftor ist seit 10min offen, bitte schliessen!")
                        tTor15 = null
                            tTor15 = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(5), [ |
                                sendBroadcastNotification("Letzte Warnung! Hoftor ist seit 15min offen, bitte schliessen!")
                                if(webOSTV_Power.state == ON) {
                                    webOSTV_Toast.sendCommand("Letzte Warnung! Hoftor ist seit 15min offen, bitte schliessen!")
                                tTor15 = null
    else if (HoftorReedZU_OpenClose.state==CLOSED) {
        sendBroadcastNotification("Hoftor ist nun geschlossen!")
        if(webOSTV_Power.state == ON) {
            webOSTV_Toast.sendCommand("Hoftor ist nun geschlossen!")
        if (tTor5 !== null) {
            tTor5 = null
        if (tTor10 !== null) {
            tTor10 = null
        if (tTor15 !== null) {
            tTor15 = null

The answer to your specific question is no. There is no trigger for a rule when an Item is in the same state for a certain time.

However, what you are after can be achieved with rules. If you don’t really want to mess with coding it, see Open Reminder which is a rule template that you can install and configure. It will call a rule of your choice when an Item is in the OPEN state for a configured amount of time. You can even set do not disturb periods and repeat the call to the rule until the window is CLOSED.

Or if you want to code it yourself for some reason, see [Deprecated] Design Patterns: Generic Is Alive and [Deprecated] Design Pattern: Motion Sensor Timer for different ways to code this using Expire and/or Timers.