Trouble excluding directory from Amanda backup

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Rpi3
    • OS: Raspbian 8 Jessie
    • Java Runtime Environment: ?
    • openHAB version: 2.5.2-1
  • Amanda 3.3.6

I’ve been using OpenHAB since 2017 and have learned everything from this Forum. I’d like to start off by thanking everyone for sharing your knowledge and experience. This is the first time I’ve needed to post.

I keep getting this message when I run ‘amreport openhab-dir’

  /-- openHABianPi /home/openhabian lev 0 STRANGE
  sendbackup: start [openHABianPi:/home/openhabian level 0]
  sendbackup: info BACKUP=/bin/tar
  sendbackup: info RECOVER_CMD=/bin/tar -xpGf - ...
  sendbackup: info end
  ? /bin/tar: ./NAS: directory is on a different filesystem; not dumped
  | Total bytes written: 18544640 (18MiB, 17MiB/s)
  sendbackup: size 18110
  sendbackup: end

Amanda was installed through ‘openhabian-config’

The ‘/home/openhabian/NAS’ directory is the amanda storage location and is mounted via fstab line below: /home/openhabian/NAS nfs nolock,noatime 0 0

Disklist entries:
openHABianPi  /etc/openhab2               user-tar
openHABianPi  /etc/mosquitto               user-tar
openHABianPi  /etc/systemd/system     user-tar
openHABianPi  /var/lib/openhab2          user-tar
openHABianPi  /home/openhabian        user-tar
openHABianPi  /dev/mmcblk0                amraw

I’m trying to exclude the ‘/home/openhabian/NAS’ directory in ‘amanda.conf’ ‘dumptype’ but, I don’t see my error.

define dumptype user-tar {                                                    # How to dump user's directory
        root-tar                                                                          # Include root-tar (as above)
        comment "user partitions dumped with tar"
        priority medium                                                             # Priority level
        exclude "/home/openhabian/NAS"                                # avoid NAS direcory

I have been using Win32DiskImager to copy my SD card but, I’d like to get away from that.

Any help would be appreciated

Unless your familiar with Amanda it can be a bit challenging. For this reason I don’t use it but if you need a quick backup of OH use sudo openhab-cli backup --full and move the zipped file to your PC or USB stick.

This will backup /etc/openhab2/ and /var/lib/openhab2/
This way, the information about installed addons is backuped, but not the addons itself, so when installing openhab2 new, the actual version of the bindings will be installed.
The only things to backup in addition, are the manually installed addons.

It may not be exactly what you want but it will give you an OH backup until you figure out the issue with Amanda.

What error?
The message said it would NOT dump /home/openhabian/NAS (but it’ll dump the rest of /home/openhabian/*, that is). Isn’t that what you want ?
Probably explains why your “exclude” has no (additional) effect: it’s already excluded.

If you want to avoid that message then mount your NAS share elsewhere and adapt amanda.conf.

Thank you for clearing that up.
I was under the impression that Amanda was failing somehow.
It’s been backing up at Level 0 only for days and hasn’t done any Level 1’s.
I thought this was the reason.

See use dumpcycle = runspercycle = 14 to avoid frequent level 0 dumps by mstormi · Pull Request #798 · openhab/openhabian · GitHub