Tutorial: Restart Binding from rule

People never seem to check for responses when investigating a problem

var results = executeCommandLine("blah bleh", 10000)
logInfo("exec", "My results were: " + results)

@rossko57 thanks for the tip.
here is what I got as a result:

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

I checked my sudoers.d file again and found that I missed the comma before the /usr/bin/ssh
Fixed this and now it is working.


I’m still getting

quarku@openhabian:~$ sudo /usr/bin/ssh -p 8101 -i /home/openhabian/karaf_keys/openhab.id_rsa openhab@localhost bundle:restart 224
Password authentication
Password authentication
Password authentication
openhab@localhost's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
openhab@localhost's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
openhab@localhost's password:
openhab@localhost: Permission denied (keyboard-interactive,password,publickey).
quarku@openhabian:~$ su openhabian
openhabian@openhabian:/home/quarku$ sudo /usr/bin/ssh -p 8101 -i /home/openhabian/karaf_keys/openhab.id_rsa openhab@localhost bundle:restart 224
[sudo] password for openhabian:
openhabian is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.

I don’t know what is going on I’ve tried to put rsa key + public key to /var/lib/openhab/.ssh/
at the first place and change the permissions before first ssh it with:

sudo chown openhab:openhab -R /var/lib/openhab/.ssh

Then I’ve moved both keys to /home/openhabian/karaf_keys/ dir and still it just doesn’t work.
I was asked by ubuntu to add localhost to list of known hosts - that means imho that the permissions of home folder are ok. Correct me if I’m wrong.


|1|C6yJ0UN<cut security reasons>+9nDpsdQBro= ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA<cut security reasons>ei1V94bCz7aAtWo4XwFmEtqlvRz>


#karaf=AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBA<cut security reasons>HgmdRWVeOutRZT+ZxBxCBgLRJFnEj6EwoFhO3z>,_g_:admingroup
openhab=AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA<cut security reasons>ei1V94bCz7aAtWo4XwFmEtqlvRz>,_g_:admingroup
_g_\:admingroup = group,admin,manager,viewer,systembundles,ssh

Every time there is no error but he ask me to type in karaf console password.

Normally I’m using ‘quarku:x:1000:1000:quarku:/home/quarku:/bin/bash’ this login as main console login.

but as far as I know karaf is a separate system

less /etc/passwd

return a list of users where I can find:

  1. openhab:x:114:120:openhab runtime user,:/var/lib/openhab:/bin/false
  2. openhabian:x:1001:120:openHABian,openHAB admin user:/home/openhabian:/bin/bash

In Karaf:


return on position 6;

6     │ openhab    │ org.openhab.core.auth.jaas.internal.ManagedUserLoginModule

And also

sudo visudo


# User privilege specification
root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
openhab ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/rm, /bin/chmod, /bin/chown, /usr/bin/amixer, /usr/bin/l2ping, /usr/bin/ssh, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/iptables, /sbin/modprobe

I’m lost maybe someone can help?
@NCO @rlkoshak

First of all, you are not logging into the operating system. You are logging into the karaf console. The karaf console manages it’s own users and passwords. By default the username is “openhab” and the password is “habopen”. I believe that openHABian might update the password to match the operating system’s openhabian user’s password but am not sure about that. But the users, keys and passwords involved are all managed by karaf, not the operating system. In other words, you need to edit /var/lib/openhab/etc/users.properties as described in the docs.

Secondly, you are running ssh with sudo. That means that the actual user ssh is running as is root, not openhabian. Putting the ssh keys into openhabian's .ssh folder or in openhab's folder does nothing to help user root log in via ssh using keys.

Finally, as the error states, the user openhabian, which is the user you are trying to use to run the sudo command is not in sudoers. That means openhabian does not have permission to run sudo. This could very much be a problem because if the all you have is openhabian on your system you can no longer run administration commands.

You need to perhaps read up a bit more on how users work on Linux and in Karaf as well as the sudo command.

Hi, Thanks for reply and explanations - thought its a other way around :slight_smile:
I’m having ‘quarku’ user which I normally use



quarku@openhabian:~$ sudo su
[sudo] password for quarku:
[16:39:03] root@openhabian:/home/quarku#

it has sudo permissions. I’ve tied to generate rsa files within its home dir and start whole process once more - unfortunately no success.

Secondly, you are running ssh with sudo . That means that the actual user ssh is running as is root , not openhabian . Putting the ssh keys into openhabian 's .ssh folder or in openhab 's folder does nothing to help user root log in via ssh using keys.

Where exactly should I generate rsa keys? in home dir of above mentioned quarku? Where basic karaf keys have been placed?

quarku@openhabian:~$ ls
karaf.id_rsa  karaf.id_rsa.pub

Shall I then generate it as quarku - other way will cause chown problems

sudo -u quarku ssh-keygen -t rsa -f openhab.id_rsa

To be honest the biggest problem for me is to understand where should be quarku and where openhab ^^

As long as you are running sudo to run ssh, which is completely unnecessary, it is the root user that needs the ssh keys. sodu means “run this command as user root”.

You put the public key in users.properties. You put the private key in the .ssh folder of the user running ssh. As long as you continue to run ssh using sudo, which again is completely unnecessary, root needs the private key.

First post here says that keys.properties is the proper location for public key
Maybe you wonna say ‘You put ssh user credentials into user.properties - the user which will be used by openhab in exec’?

I’m going form memory. Do what ever the instructions say to do. This isn’t my tutorial.

Ok it works now - here are my steps to get it work on OH3:

eval echo ~openhab << return home direcotry for openhab user in my case I log in as “quarku” with /home/quarku dir as home dir, for openhab user we will receve: /var/lib/openhab dir as home dir

3x enter

cat /home/quarku/.ssh/id_rsa.pub <<< copy the public key looks like: AAAAAa(a lot of alphanumeric chars)1212313=

‘sudo nano /var/lib/openhab/etc/keys.properties’

add line for openhab openhab=AAAAAa(a lot of alphanumeric chars)1212313=,_g_:admingroup

but it needs to be above this line:
_g_\:admingroup = group,admin,manager,viewer,systembundles,ssh

ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost

<<< should login without password

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Can you guys post some syntax for bundle restart in OH3 - old odne dosen work

var String reply = executeCommandLine("ssh -i /home/quarku/.ssh/id_rsa openhab@localhost -p 8101 'bundle:restart 225'",1000)

Below code doesn;t work “No such file or directory”

val String reply = executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(5), "ssh", "-i /home/quarku/.ssh/id_rsa openhab@localhost", "bundle:restart 225", "-p", "8101")


val String reply = executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(5), "ssh", "-i /var/lib/openhab/.ssh/id_rsa openhab@localhost", "bundle:restart 225", "-p", "8101")

I’m just keep getting:

Identity file /var/lib/openhab/.ssh/id_rsa openhab@localhost not accessible: No such file or directory.


Identity file /home/quarku/.ssh/id_rsa quarku@localhost not accessible: No such file or directory.

Identity file /home/quarku/.ssh/id_rsa openhab@localhost not accessible: No such file or directory.

its working direct form terminal as:

ssh -i /home/quarku/.ssh/id_rsa openhab@localhost -p 8101 'bundle:restart 225

No problem @quarku

I guess that’s because of the new syntax in OH3 for the execute command (separating all white spaces by ", "):
This one works fine for me:

executeCommandLine(Duration.ofSeconds(6), "sudo", "/usr/bin/ssh", "-p", "8101", "-i", "/home/openhab/karaf_keys/openhab.id_rsa", "openhab@localhost", "bundle:restart", "org.openhab.binding.icloud")

Thank you NCO - that worked for me as well - I knew it that is because new syntax for OH3 - unfortunately there is lack of examples with more parameters - but now after I saw your example my also started to work :slight_smile:

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I’ll just add that where I went wrong with this was leaving the openhab@openHABianPi bit from the .pub file at the end in the keys.properties file. Coming at it with fresh eyes today, I spotted it straight away. But it might save someone a few hours.