Unable to parse ip

I have the same issue with “Unable to parse ip” in the SSH startup. I just installed openHABian 2 days ago from the latest stable version on github. I am running on a Raspberry Pi 3B, Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), OpenHAB 2.5.10-1 (Release Build). The FireMotD version comes back as:

FireMotD v12.05.191019

I tried using Flip’s last suggestions:

sudo /usr/local/bin/FireMotD -S
sudo /usr/local/bin/FireMotD --theme Gray

That did display the IP properly when it ran the last command but on rebooting the same “Unable to parse ip” came back up again. Everything else seems to be working properly. I am just a bit concerned since it says “Please debug.” Any suggestions? Just ignore the message?

Sometimes FireMotD is installed in 2 locations:


Please check the .bash_profile and .profile in your openhab-users home-directory.

Additionally you can run:

which FireMotD

as openhab-User to see which path is used…

Also see [Solved] SSH Welcome screen IP display is "Unable to parse ip. Please debug."

There was apparently a change in how Firemotd works.

Thanks for the response. I had already check that and both location have the right version. I think the reply from mstormi in the
[Solved] SSH Welcome screen IP display is "Unable to parse ip. Please debug.
thread has the issue diagnosed and solved.
Thanks again.

Yes, @mstormi is right… The newer versions of openhabian are using a systemctl service for FireMotD as were older versions are using a cronjob…

This is what happened when I ran sudo systemctl status openhab2.service

[17:36:41] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ sudo systemctl status openhab2.service
[sudo] password for openhabian:
Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of openhab2.service changed on
● openhab2.service - openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://openHABianDevice:8080
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openhab2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/openhab2.service.d
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-10-30 11:57:39 CET; 6 days ago
Docs: https://www.openhab.org/docs/
Process: 708 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c /usr/bin/find ${OPENHAB_CONF} -name “.rules" -exec
Process: 726 ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 120 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1801 ExecStartPost=/bin/bash -c /usr/bin/find ${OPENHAB_CONF} -name "
.x” -exec /u
Main PID: 724 (java)
Tasks: 94 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/openhab2.service
└─724 /usr/bin/java -Dopenhab.home=/usr/share/openhab2 -Dopenhab.conf=/etc/openhab

Oct 26 14:30:48 openHABianDevice systemd[1]: Starting openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://
Oct 30 11:57:39 openHABianDevice systemd[1]: Started openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://o
lines 1-18/18 (END)…skipping…
Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of openhab2.service changed on disk. Run ‘systemctl daemon-reload’ to reload units.
● openhab2.service - openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://openHABianDevice:8080
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openhab2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/openhab2.service.d
Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-10-30 11:57:39 CET; 6 days ago
Docs: https://www.openhab.org/docs/
Process: 708 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c /usr/bin/find ${OPENHAB_CONF} -name “.rules" -exec /usr/bin/rename.ul .rules .x {} ; (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 726 ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 120 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 1801 ExecStartPost=/bin/bash -c /usr/bin/find ${OPENHAB_CONF} -name "
.x” -exec /usr/bin/rename.ul .x .rules {} ; (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 724 (java)
Tasks: 94 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/openhab2.service
└─724 /usr/bin/java -Dopenhab.home=/usr/share/openhab2 -Dopenhab.conf=/etc/openhab2 -Dopenhab.runtime=/usr/share/openhab2/runtime -Dopenhab.userdata=/var/lib/openhab2 -Dopenhab.l

Oct 26 14:30:48 openHABianDevice systemd[1]: Starting openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://openHABianDevice:8080
Oct 30 11:57:39 openHABianDevice systemd[1]: Started openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://openHABianDevice:8080.
lines 1-18/18 (END)

This is what came up when I ran SSH - cat /boot/first-boot.log

[17:39:42] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ cat /boot/first-boot.log

2020-08-20_10:48:02_UTC [openHABian] Starting the openHABian initial setup.
2020-08-20_10:48:02_UTC [openHABian] Storing configuration… OK
2020-08-20_10:48:02_UTC [openHABian] Starting webserver with installation log… OK
2020-08-20_10:48:07_UTC [openHABian] Changing default username and password… OK
2020-08-20_10:48:08_UTC [openHABian] Setting up Ethernet connection… OK
2020-08-20_10:48:08_UTC [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity… OK
2020-08-20_10:48:08_UTC [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready… OK
2020-10-26_09:55:00_UTC [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages… OK (rebooting)

2020-10-26_09:57:33_GMT [openHABian] Starting the openHABian initial setup.
2020-10-26_09:57:33_GMT [openHABian] Storing configuration… OK
2020-10-26_09:57:33_GMT [openHABian] Starting webserver with installation log… OK
2020-10-26_09:57:38_GMT [openHABian] Changing default username and password… SKIPPED
2020-10-26_09:57:38_GMT [openHABian] Setting up Ethernet connection… OK
2020-10-26_09:57:38_GMT [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity… OK
2020-10-26_09:57:38_GMT [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready… OK
2020-10-26_09:57:44_GMT [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages… OK
2020-10-26_09:57:47_GMT [openHABian] Installing git package… OK
2020-10-26_09:58:14_GMT [openHABian] Updating myself from https://github.com/openhab/openhabian, stable branch… OK
2020-10-26_09:58:18_GMT [openHABian] Starting execution of ‘openhabian-config unattended’… OK
2020-10-26_09:58:18_GMT [openHABian] Checking for root privileges… OK
2020-10-26_09:58:18_GMT [openHABian] Updating Linux package information… OK
2020-10-26_09:58:23_GMT [openHABian] Loading configuration file ‘/etc/openhabian.conf’… OK
2020-10-26_09:58:23_GMT [openHABian] Setting timezone based on openhabian.conf… OK (Europe/Berlin)
2020-10-26_10:58:23_CET [openHABian] Enabling time synchronization using NTP… OK
2020-10-26_10:58:24_CET [openHABian] Setting locale based on openhabian.conf… OK (reboot required)
2020-10-26_10:58:59_CET [openHABian] Setting hostname of the base system based on openhabian.conf… OK
2020-10-26_10:58:59_CET [openHABian] Setting the GPU memory split down to 16MB for headless system… OK
2020-10-26_10:58:59_CET [openHABian] Enabling Audio output… OK
2020-10-26_10:59:00_CET [openHABian] Installing basic can’t-be-wrong packages (screen, vim, …)… OK
2020-10-26_10:59:31_CET [openHABian] Installing additional needed packages… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:09_CET [openHABian] Installing additional bluetooth packages… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:16_CET [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned bash configuration files to system… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:16_CET [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned vim configuration file to system… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:16_CET [openHABian] Downloading FireMotD… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:19_CET [openHABian] Installing FireMotD… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:19_CET [openHABian] Generating FireMotD theme… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:30_CET [openHABian] Setting up FireMotD apt updates count service… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:39_CET [openHABian] Installing cached version of Java to ensure that some form of Java is installed!
2020-10-26_11:00:39_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu prerequisites (libc, libstdc++, zlib1g)… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:39_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu 8 32-Bit OpenJDK… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:39_CET [openHABian] Installing Java Zulu CEK to enable unlimited cipher strength… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:42_CET [openHABian] Beginning install of latest openHAB release (stable)… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:42_CET [openHABian] Adding required keys to apt… OK
2020-10-26_11:00:43_CET [openHABian] Installing selected openHAB version… OK
2020-10-26_11:01:27_CET [openHABian] Setting up openHAB service… OK
2020-10-26_11:01:28_CET [openHABian] Optimizing openHAB to run on low memory single board computers… OK
2020-10-26_11:01:28_CET [openHABian] Setting openHAB HTTP/HTTPS ports… OK
2020-10-26_11:01:28_CET [openHABian] Creating dependencies to jointly start services that depend on each other… OK
2020-10-26_11:01:28_CET [openHABian] Adding delay on loading openHAB rules… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:28_CET [openHABian] Adding an openHAB dashboard tile for ‘openhabiandocs’… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:28_CET [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to vim editor… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:30_CET [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to nano editor… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:31_CET [openHABian] Adding openHAB scheme to multitail… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:31_CET [openHABian] Preparing openHAB folder mounts under ‘/srv/openhab2-*’… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:36_CET [openHABian] Applying miscellaneous system settings… OK
2020-10-26_11:03:36_CET [openHABian] Installing Samba… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:10_CET [openHABian] Setting up Samba network shares… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:11_CET [openHABian] Setting up Samba service… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:13_CET [openHABian] Applying file permissions recommendations… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:14_CET [openHABian] Installing Frontail prerequsites (NodeJS)… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:38_CET [openHABian] Installing openHAB Log Viewer (frontail)… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:58_CET [openHABian] Configuring openHAB Log Viewer (frontail)… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:58_CET [openHABian] Setting up openHAB Log Viewer (frontail) service… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:59_CET [openHABian] Adding an openHAB dashboard tile for ‘frontail’… OK
2020-10-26_11:04:59_CET [openHABian] We’ve detected you’re using the 8GB model of the RPi4. It is known to not work with ZRAM.2020-10-26_11:04:59_CET [openHABian] Skipping ZRAM install as requested.2020-10-26_11:04:59_CET [openHABian] Beginning Mail Transfer Agent setup… CANCELED (no configuration provided)
2020-10-26_11:04:59_CET [openHABian] Setting up automated SD mirroring and backup… CANCELED (no configuration provided)
2020-10-26_11:04:59_CET [openHABian] Cleaning up… OK
2020-10-26_11:05:12_CET [openHABian] Execution of ‘openhabian-config unattended’ completed.
2020-10-26_11:05:12_CET [openHABian] Waiting for openHAB to become ready on openHABianDevice… OK
2020-10-26_11:05:12_CET [openHABian] First time setup successfully finished. Rebooting your system!
2020-10-26_11:05:12_CET [openHABian] After rebooting the openHAB dashboard will be available at: http://openHABianDevice:8080
2020-10-26_11:05:12_CET [openHABian] After rebooting to gain access to a console, simply reconnect using ssh.

This is what happened when I tried to uninstall ZRAM


[17:41:58] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ sudo openhabian-config
2020-11-05_17:44:26_CET [openHABian] Checking for root privileges… OK
2020-11-05_17:44:26_CET [openHABian] Loading configuration file ‘/etc/openhabian.conf’… OK
2020-11-05_17:44:26_CET [openHABian] openHABian configuration tool version: [stable]v1.6-880(769ea17)
2020-11-05_17:44:26_CET [openHABian] Checking for changes in origin branch stable… OK
2020-11-05_17:44:39_CET [openHABian] Switching to branch stable… OK
2020-11-05_17:44:49_CET [openHABian] Updating Linux package information… OK
2020-11-05_17:44:49_CET [openHABian] Removing ZRAM service… FAILED (disable service)
This is what happened when I ran sudo systemctl status openhab2.service after rebooting my raspberry pi
[17:51:56] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ sudo systemctl status openhab2.service
[sudo] password for openhabian:
Warning: The unit file, source configuration file or drop-ins of openhab2.service changed on disk. Run ‘systemctl daemon-reload’ to reload units.
● openhab2.service - openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://openHABianDevice:8080
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openhab2.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/openhab2.service.d
Active: activating (start-post) since Thu 2020-11-05 17:51:02 CET; 1min 16s ago
Docs: https://www.openhab.org/docs/
Process: 676 ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c /usr/bin/find ${OPENHAB_CONF} -name “*.rules” -exec /usr/bin/rename.ul .rules .x {} ; (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 683 (java); Control PID: 684 (sleep)
Tasks: 97 (limit: 4915)
CGroup: /system.slice/openhab2.service
├─683 /usr/bin/java -Dopenhab.home=/usr/share/openhab2 -Dopenhab.conf=/etc/openhab2 -Dopenhab.runtime=/usr/share/openhab2/runtime -Dopenhab.userdata=/var/lib/openhab2 -Dopenhab.l
└─684 /bin/sleep 120

Nov 05 17:51:02 openHABianDevice systemd[1]: Starting openHAB2 instance, reachable at http://openHABianDevice:8080
lines 1-16/16 (END)

This is what happened when I ran /sbin/ip route get

[17:55:52] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ /sbin/ip route get via dev eth0 src uid 1000

This is what happened when I ran sudo netstat -tulpe --numeric-ports |grep java

[17:59:26] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ sudo netstat -tulpe --numeric-ports |grep java
tcp6 0 0 localhost:36665 [::]:* LISTEN openhab 15984 683/java
tcp6 0 0 [::]:8443 [::]:* LISTEN openhab 16317 683/java
tcp6 0 0 localhost:8101 [::]:* LISTEN openhab 19928 683/java
tcp6 0 0 [::]:5007 [::]:* LISTEN openhab 16324 683/java
tcp6 0 0 [::]:8080 [::]:* LISTEN openhab 16320 683/java
udp6 0 0 [::]:5353 [::]:* openhab 18890 683/java

This is what happened when I reinstalled from scratch on a new SD Card & edited the openhabian.conf file so clonebranch=master, debugmode=maximum, ipv6=disable and zraminstall=disable and ran /boot/first-boot.log

[19:47:05] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ /boot/first-boot.log
/boot/first-boot.log: line 3: 2020-08-20_10:48:00_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 4: 2020-08-20_10:48:00_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 5: 2020-08-20_10:48:00_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 6: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 7: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 8: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 9: 2020-08-20_10:48:00_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 10: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 11: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 12: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 13: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 14: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 15: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 16: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 17: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 18: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 19: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 20: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 21: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 22: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 23: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 24: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 25: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 26: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 27: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 28: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 29: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 30: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 31: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 32: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 33: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 34: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 35: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 36: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 37: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 38: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 39: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 40: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 41: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 42: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 43: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 44: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 45: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 46: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 47: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 48: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 49: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 50: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 51: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 52: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 53: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 54: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 55: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 56: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 57: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 58: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 59: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 60: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 61: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 62: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 63: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 64: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 65: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 66: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 67: 2020-08-20_10:48:05_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 68: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 69: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 70: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 71: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 72: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 73: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 74: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 75: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 76: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 77: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 78: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 79: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 80: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 81: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 82: 2020-08-20_10:48:06_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 83: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 84: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 85: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 86: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 87: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 88: 2020-08-20_10:48:06_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 89: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 90: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 91: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 92: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 93: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 94: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 95: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 96: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 97: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 98: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 99: +++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 100: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 101: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 102: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 103: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 104: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 105: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 106: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 107: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 108: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 109: 2020-08-20_10:48:06_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 110: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 111: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 112: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 113: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 114: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 115: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 116: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 117: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 118: +++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 119: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 120: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 121: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 122: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 123: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 124: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 125: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 126: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 127: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 128: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 129: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 130: 2020-11-05_17:56:41_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 131: +++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 132: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 133: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 134: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 135: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 136: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 137: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 138: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 139: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 140: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 141: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 142: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 143: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 144: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 145: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 146: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 147: 2020-11-05_17:56:42_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 148: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 149: FAILED: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 150: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 151: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 152: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 153: 2020-11-05_17:56:42_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 154: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 155: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 156: FAILED: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 157: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 158: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 159: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 160: 2020-11-05_17:56:42_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 161: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 162: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 163: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 164: 2020-11-05_17:56:42_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 165: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 166: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 167: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 168: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 169: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 170: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 171: 2020-11-05_17:56:42_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 172: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 173: 2020-11-05_17:56:42_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 174: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 175: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 176: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 177: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 178: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 179: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 180: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 181: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 182: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 183: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 184: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 185: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 186: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 187: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 188: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 189: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 190: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 191: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 192: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 193: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 194: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 195: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 196: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 197: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 198: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 199: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 200: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 201: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 202: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 203: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 204: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 205: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 206: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 207: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 208: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 209: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 210: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 211: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 212: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 213: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 214: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 215: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 216: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 217: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 218: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 219: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 220: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 221: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 222: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 223: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 224: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 225: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 226: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 227: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 228: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 229: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 230: 2020-11-05_17:56:48_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 231: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 232: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 233: cp:: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 234: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 235: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 236: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 238: $’\E[90’: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 238: 01m$: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 238: 49: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 238: 00m: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 239: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 240: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 241: net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 242: net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 243: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 244: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 245: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 246: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 247: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 248: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 249: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 250: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 251: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 252: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 253: 2020-11-05_17:56:48_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 254: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 255: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 256: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 257: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 258: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 259: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 260: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 261: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 262: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 263: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 264: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 265: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 266: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 267: 2020-11-05_17:57:00_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 268: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 269: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 270: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 271: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 272: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 273: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 274: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 275: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 276: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 277: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 278: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 279: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 280: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 281: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 282: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 283: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 284: OK: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 285: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 286: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 287: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 288: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 289: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 290: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 291: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 292: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 293: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 294: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 295: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 296: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 297: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 298: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 299: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 300: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 301: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 302: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 303: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 304: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 305: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 306: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 307: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 308: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 309: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 310: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 311: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 312: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 313: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 314: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 315: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 316: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 317: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 318: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 319: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 320: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 321: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 322: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 323: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 324: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 325: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 326: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 327: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 328: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 329: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 330: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 331: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 332: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 333: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 334: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 335: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 336: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 337: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 338: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 339: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 340: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 341: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 342: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 343: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 344: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 345: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 346: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 347: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 348: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 349: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 350: 2020-11-05_17:57:00_UTC: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 351: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 352: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 353: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 354: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 355: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 356: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 357: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 359: $’\E[90’: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 359: 01m$: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 359: 49: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 359: 00m: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 360: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 361: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 362: ++: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 363: +: command not found
/boot/first-boot.log: line 364: syntax error near unexpected token Europe/Berlin' /boot/first-boot.log: line 364: OK (Europe/Berlin)’

When I ran /usr/local/bin/FireMotD –version I got
[19:49:59] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ /usr/local/bin/FireMotD --version
FireMotD v12.05.191019

I ran sudo /usr/local/bin/FireMotD -S & sudo /usr/local/bin/FireMotD --theme Gray

[19:54:21] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ sudo /usr/local/bin/FireMotD -S
[sudo] password for openhabian:
[19:55:25] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ sudo /usr/local/bin/FireMotD --theme Gray
############### openHABianDevice ############################################

Ip =

Release = Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Kernel = Linux 5.4.51-v7l+

Platform = Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4

Uptime = 0 day(s). 0:2:35

CPU Usage = 0% avg over 4 cpu(s) (4 core(s) x 1 socket(s))

CPU Load = 1m: 0.73, 5m: 0.57, 15m: 0.24

Memory = Free: 7.12GB (92%), Used: 0.61GB (8%), Total: 7.73GB

Swap = Free: 0.09GB (100%), Used: 0.00GB (0%), Total: 0.09GB

Root = Free: 11.36GB (82%), Used: 2.34GB (18%), Total: 14.32GB

Updates = 16 apt updates available.

Sessions = 0 session(s)

Processes = 134 running processes of 32768 maximum processes


When I ran ip route get | head -1 | grep -Po ‘(?<=src )(\d{1,3}.){4}’ | xargs I got this output
[19:56:22] openhabian@openHABianDevice:~$ ip route get | head -1 | grep -Po ‘(?<=src )(\d{1,3}.){4}’ | xargs

So the IP address is now showing and I can access the online dashboard at the link but can’t be accessed at http://openhabiandevice:8080/