Unable to test addon1 binding in eclipse

  • Platform information: Windows 10 x64
    • Hardware: Intel
    • OS: Windows 10 x64
    • Java Runtime Environment:Oracle JDK 1.8 *
      openHAB version: 2.3
  • Issue of the topic: i can not run/debug binding for addon1

I’m trying to modify the epsonprojector binding. Unfortunately it does not start in the eclipse environment. I have built my environment so far according to guides (java, maven, eclipse). I also activated th plugin in the un configuration. When I compile the package manually and embed as jar file in my Openhab this works. Unfortunately, I can’t test it in the eclipse. Can anyone please help me here?

Unfortunately, it’s very difficult to get a working Eclipse environment for OH.
One thing to try is to close all the projects you don’t need (eg. Smarthome, OH2, etc.). That has been reported to occasionally work.

ok, i found it out.

to test an v1 addon (for ,me org.openhab,binding.epsonprojector) i only have had to activte also org.openhab.core and org.openhab.core.compat1x in the running configuration.

thats all.

maybe this would help someone else.