Unifi Binding - some trickery because unifi is stupid....no offline for wireless

you are right. it works again. i was testing last days with no success and just tried now - it works… no changes, no restarts, nothing.
hm… i dont like self-healing systems and magic in software. i hope i still in control of my unifi.

Actually my wife leaving this morning, it seemed to pick her up real quick leaving…I might trying turning wifi off again on ipad…maybe leaving is different to turn wifi off (wouldn’t surprise me is apple it doing weird stuff when you turn the wireless off).

So I started a test at local 10:07. Turned ipad wireless off, and turned phone off entirely.

Currently at 10:38, so over 20 mins…both these devices still list as online.

Same issue with Samsung (Android) and iPhone

Both are offline and NOT listed online in Unifi Controller, but the Binding still updates the “LastSeen” and the “Uptime” like they were online

But this was working in the past…

Don’t hold your breath: https://community.ui.com/questions/Wifi-devices-showing-as-LAN/41423506-fae3-48fb-b767-86c169adf24d

I dont see this problem (at the moment) - phones are connected to wifi-ap if they are connected.

I just checked and my iphone indeed shows as LAN, but i was connected remotely so i guess thats ok.
Also my iphone (when i turned off wifi and did not connect remotely via LTE) did not show unter LAN/WIFI devices but the binding still was thinking the device is online…

Hello, if you are part of the UniFi Beta program you can check if the latest version will solve you issue:
6.0.40 has as bugfix: Fix showing disconnected wireless clients as wired clients

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