Unusual openhab applications

hello everyone ,
few months ago i have been started studying openhab , and i could use it in some applications . my study for openhab was to use it in my masters degree in physics so , i have to use openhab in something related to lap or physics applications . could you suggest any applications that could relate openhab to the work in laps ( something like control scientific devices and read data from them through your mobile phone ) .
i’d be so grateful for your all suggestions

Is creating a healthy house an idea? Compair air quality outside and in the house by measuring particulate matter / NOx and operating ventilation / windows open close based on the results? Display status on the smartphone

If you mean “lab” as in “laboratory”, I’d see openHAB as being useful for monitoring long-term experiments. I worked at a university where some grad students had a machine running 24/7 for a full week (which drove me crazy as my office was right next to their lab). With openHAB, you could implement a variety of sensors to monitor the experiment from a distance and have the ability to manually or automatically shut down the experiment if something’s not right.

i have worked on the part of control ( on / off ) and i have already controlled a switch using openhab . but i have no idea about the part of collecting data from a device . any help about that ?

I think this paper gives a good overview A Big Data Analytics Framework for IoT Applications in the Cloud