Update from 2.2.0 stable to 2.3.0 stable - all bindings were installed - looping

Hi all,

today I tried to update from 2.2.0 stable to 2.3.0 stable.

In the log I see, that all bindings will be installed and then uninstalled and then installed again. In a loop.

I do not get a stable version running.

bundle:list shows me a lot of bindings.
Log shown me a lot of uninstall and install actions.
Any idea to solve this. I have all running on a virtual maschine with snapshot. I can try different solutions.

Have you tried unistalling all the bindings in paper ui.
Then restart oh. The install them one by one and monitor the log as you do so.

no chance.

I cannot reach paperUI because OH loop between uninstall install shutdown restart. I can see this in the log.

I will try to start OH without the “openhab-addons-2.3.0.kar” in addon folder and see what happens.

This looks good for me:

2018-06-21 16:06:53.639 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-http1, openhab-persistence-mapdb, openhab-binding-exec, openhab-binding-ekey1, openhab-persistence-jdbc-mariadb, openhab-misc-restdocs, openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-transformation-xpath, openhab-persistence-rrd4j, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-classic, openhab-binding-ntp, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-ui-habmin, openhab-transformation-xslt, openhab-binding-expire1, openhab-transformation-exec, openhab-ui-paper, openhab-transformation-scale': Error:
        Error downloading mvn:org.openhab.persistence/org.openhab.persistence.mapdb/1.12.0
2018-06-21 16:08:09.043 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-http1, openhab-persistence-mapdb, openhab-binding-exec, openhab-binding-ekey1, openhab-persistence-jdbc-mariadb, openhab-misc-restdocs, openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-transformation-xpath, openhab-persistence-rrd4j, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-classic, openhab-binding-ntp, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-ui-habmin, openhab-transformation-xslt, openhab-binding-expire1, openhab-transformation-exec, openhab-ui-paper, openhab-transformation-scale': Error:
        Error downloading mvn:org.openhab.persistence/org.openhab.persistence.mapdb/1.12.0
2018-06-21 16:08:58.299 [ERROR] [core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing 'openhab-binding-http1, openhab-persistence-mapdb, openhab-binding-exec, openhab-binding-ekey1, openhab-persistence-jdbc-mariadb, openhab-misc-restdocs, openhab-transformation-javascript, openhab-ui-habpanel, openhab-transformation-regex, openhab-transformation-jsonpath, openhab-transformation-xpath, openhab-persistence-rrd4j, openhab-ui-basic, openhab-transformation-map, openhab-ui-classic, openhab-binding-ntp, openhab-binding-astro, openhab-ui-habmin, openhab-transformation-xslt, openhab-binding-expire1, openhab-transformation-exec, openhab-ui-paper, openhab-transformation-scale': Error:
        Error downloading mvn:org.openhab.persistence/org.openhab.persistence.mapdb/1.12.0

This are all my installed bindings. Looks fine, but if I copy the kar file in the addon folder all bindings been installed.

maybe it is a problem on my testsystem not to reach thsi file “org.openhab.persistence/org.openhab.persistence.mapdb/1.12.0”

But the update process works well, without any errors. And the update process can reach the internet.

If I use a totally new installation of OH2.3.0 it is the same, all bindings will be installed.

any idea how to stop this?

Posted it on another psot. Problem is offline installation, which seams to no longer works.