Update: Hue Bulbs - Switch & Color Controls Not Possible?

Platform information:

  • Hardware: Synology Drive
  • OS: Synology DSM OS
  • Java Runtime Environment: 8.0.212-818
  • openHAB version:
  • Issue of the topic: Bridge & Thing (Lamp) Showing, Items Not Working
    Note: Everything being done via text editor, no PaperUI config.

I have successfully gotten my Hue Bridge via .things file:

Bridge hue:bridge:mybridge [ ipAddress=“192.168.x.xxx”, userName=“RVkZfmEpuBsaerhhfdbLXmadsff5jadfHMCqadfHV5gsfqrK0TUwy4jkB1Q”, pollingInterval=“2” ] {
0210 bulb1 “Bhavani’s Nightstand” @ “Master Bedroom” [ lightId=“1” ]

And have edited a .items file:

// Bhavani’s NIghtstand
Switch BhavaniNightStand_Toggle { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb7:color” }

Result: Switch appears in Paper UI “Control” screen.

I update .items file:

// Bhavani’s Nightstand
Switch BhavaniNightStand_Toggle { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color” }
Dimmer BhavaniNightStand_Dimmer { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color” }
Color Light1_Color { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color” }
Dimmer Light1_ColorTemp { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color_temperature” }

Result: I still only see the Switch.

I updated .items again:

Dimmer BhavaniNightStand_Dimmer { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color” }
Color Light1_Color { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color” }
Dimmer Light1_ColorTemp { channel=“hue:0210:1:bulb1:color_temperature” }

Result: Dimmer, color, and temperature controls appear

Question: Is it not possible to have a switch & the other controls ? I’d like to have a switch that easily turns on the light to last state, but then have the more involved controls to change colors and temperature when I’m in the mood to do that.

Note: Any guidance on how to get the ItemID for all the devices connected to the Hue Bridge also would be helpful. I’ve been having to guess a lot. According to these instructions: Philips Hue - Bindings | openHAB I should be able to find them in the Hue App but for the life of me I cannot. I have about 10 lights and 4 switches so having to guess and check is going to be a hassle.


Based on this screenshot - it appears like it’s possible to have a switch and the color controls - what am I missing?

PaperUI is an administrator’s toolbox, not a user-facing UI, so you don’t get everything that is possible.
So far as I understand it, if you have multiple Items linked to the same channel, you’ll only see one in PaperUi Control.

Hey Rossko -

Thanks for the reply but looking at the screenshot I added - looks like that user got exactly what I want accomplished. Also - without the switch, I have 3 items showing no problem (Dimmer, Color, and ColorTemp.

The switch shown in the screenshot is part of the “Dimmer” widget. The upper brightness slider and the switch make one widget. The lower Colour/Brightness/Saturation sliders are another widget.

@Rossko -

Ah, that makes more sense. Now the tricky part - code suggestion to accomplish that with my setup? Once I see the code once I think I’ll see the pattern and know how to do the rest.

Thanks again!

You don’t get choices. The sitemap based UIs or HABpanel etc. are made for producing customizing your UI.

But from that screenshot that I provided - isn’t that the “control” panels in PaperUI. How did that user accomplish that particular setup where you can see the on/off “switch” with brightness then immediately below (what appears to be a visible line break) you see the color controls?

I’ve no idea what Items they have, or what channels they are linked to. That’s what controls what appears in ‘Control’. You don’t get choices.