Update.ps1 Script failed Windows 10

I’m sorry but if this is the solution it should be in the docs.

I agree.
In the meantime I migrated from 3.2 to 3.3 and had the same phenomenon. The reason for the issue is, because my OH directory is in a user account and not directly in the root directory. Therefore the path to some subdirectories in userdata/tmp is too long and not supported by windows.
I have not tested, if update.ps1 will also fail, if OH was installed directly in the root C:

It fails. I have created a Pull Request to suggest deleting …\userdata\tmp as it worked for me - after 3 days of trying…

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to be specific, you say it also fails if located in the root directory c:

Yes, the issue is (apparently) with long file paths. I’ve done the Registry fix for LongPathsEnabled and that didn’t make any differerence. Deleting C:\openHAB\userdata\tmp allowed update.ps1 to complete.

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I do the update like this
Everything from the command prompt and administrator
cd C:\openHAB
cd C:\openHAB\runtime\bin
--------------------I wait a while, for it to stop
.\update.bat 3.3.0