Update to openhab 2.5 m3 on synology

Is it possible to update to openhab2.5 on a synology running: DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 3?

I have a running config on my PC and want to reproduce it on a synology nas.
The mqtt settings for homie don’t work on the 2.4 version.

Anyone got homie mqtt connection working on the openhab 2.4 version or managed to update to the 2.5 verion?

kind regards,

Which MQTT binding are you using? OH2 or OH1?

Which installation do you use? Docker? Synology Package? Virtual Machine? …?


I am using the synology package and running OH2.

On the OH2.5M3 installation all my devices in the devices are shown under the homie MQTT device and are able to be controlled by the openhab panel.
On the synology NAS running 2.4 package, i get a offline communicatin error java.lang.nullpointerexception message. (on the homie mqtt device)

Here’s my Synology OH 2.4 MQTT configuration that is working with Roomba vac. I’m very green when it comes to MQTT so I may not be much help.

openhab> list -s |grep mqtt
204 │ Active   │  80 │     │ org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3
205 │ Active   │  80 │ 0.11.0.oh250M1         │ org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.mqtt.generic
213 │ Active   │  80 │ 0.11.0.oh250M1         │ org.eclipse.smarthome.io.transport.mqtt
221 │ Active   │  80 │ 0.11.0.oh250M1         │ org.eclipse.smarthome.io.mqttembeddedbroker
223 │ Active   │  80 │ 0.11.0.oh250M1         │ org.eclipse.smarthome.binding.mqtt\
Bridge mqtt:broker:roomba "Roomba Main Floor" @ "Main Floor" [ clientID="3164420C50229600", host="", port=8883, secure=true, username="xxx", password=":1:1531533625:xxx", certificatepin=false, publickeypin=false ] 
  Thing topic state "Roomba Cleaner State" @ "Main Floor" {
      Type string : wifistat "WiFi"    [ stateTopic="wifistat" ]
      Type string : shadow   "Status"  [ stateTopic="$aws/things/3164420C50229600/shadow/#" ]
String	RoombaWifistatJSON				"Main Roomba WiFi [%s]"  														{ channel="mqtt:topic:roomba:state:wifistat" }
String	RoombaShadowJSON				"Main Roomba State [%s]" 														{ channel="mqtt:topic:roomba:state:shadow" }

Best, Jay

Hi Wiseman :slight_smile:

I am trying to get a homey controller to communcite via the homie standard to the openhab dashboard.
All goes fine in V2.5 but 2.4 doesn’t want to communicate :frowning:, but i’ll keep trying…