Updating from 2.1,0-1

I installed my system a while ago and have a basic system running. I want to update it now but I am not sure what the best way to do this. Do I just need to run apt-update? Also, I have seen some posts about things not working afterward. Anything that I need to watch out for?



  • Platform information: RaspberryPI
    • Hardware: CPUArchitecture/RAM/storage
    • OS: Raspbian
    • Java Runtime Environment: Zulu from OpenJDK
    • openHAB 2.1.0-1:

Backup first. Then an apt-get upgrade should work with no problem. In rare circumstances a Clear the Cache may be necessary, though this is now part of the upgrade script so probably won’t be needed.

I am just “in the process” of migration from my RasPi (openHAB 2.1) to my Home server using Docker with openHAB 2.4-snapshot.

I startet by copying the config files binding by binding to see with would would and wich needed updating.
I left out my rules and persistent, because the old system is still running.

Only two bindings needed slightly different configuration, I think.
One was the netatmo bionding.

I could have read that in the release notes prior testing. :smile:
openHAB 2.2 Release Notes · openhab/openhab-distro Wiki · GitHub

I your case you can propebly just update (after backup) and fix a few things if the don’t work later.