Updating IPCam image in openhab

I have a IPCam generating snapshots, if motion is detected.
The camera uploads them onto my Raspberry running Openhab.
What I would like to do is:
Check for new uploaded file.
Get time stamp.
If file newer than the previous, update both above (image and timestamp).
Set a timer for ā€œignore motion for xx minutesā€.
After timer expired, check again for new files (there will be new files even in the meantime (during ignore time), because the camera will upload constantly.

My Problem: The time stamp is somtimes overwritten even if the script echos ā€œnoneā€.
The Switch ā€œAbus_Motionā€ (to ignore motion for xx minutes) is not set properly.

The script to check whether a new file arrived looks like this:
Latest_File=ls /var/www/upload/abus/ -t1 | head -n 1

# check if the latest file is NOT the same like "latest.jpg"
if ! cmp /var/www/upload/abus/$Latest_File /usr/share/openhab/webapps/abus/latest.jpg >/dev/null 2>&1
    timestamp=`stat -c %y /var/www/upload/abus/$Latest_File | cut -d '.' -f1`
    cp /var/www/upload/abus/$Latest_File /usr/share/openhab/webapps/abus/latest.jpg
     echo $timestamp
    echo "none"

this script is executed by the following rule:

import org.openhab.core.library.types.*
import org.openhab.core.persistence.*
import org.openhab.model.script.actions.*

var Timer timer_OFF = null
var Timer timer_MO = null

    rule "copy motion detection image"
        Time cron "40 0/5 * * * ?" // aktiviert die IPCAM einen Output bei Bewegung?
    var timestamp_tmp = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/copyLatestABUS.sh", 5000)
        if (timestamp_tmp != "none") {
            if (Abus_Motion.state == OFF) {
                postUpdate(Abus_Motion_tmstmp, timestamp_tmp)
                logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "Motion detected")
                sendTelegram("OH_TeleBot", "TeleEye:\nBewegung detektiert!")
            if (timer_MO == null) {
                  sendCommand(Abus_Motion, ON)
                  timer_MO = createTimer(now.plusMinutes(28)) [| sendCommand(Abus_Motion, OFF) ] // ignore movement for 20 minutes
                  logInfo("Abus_Motion", "activated")
            else {
                  timer_MO = null
                  sendCommand(Abus_Motion, OFF)
                  logInfo("Abus_Motion", "DEACTIVATED")

Log out the value actually returned by your script to see what your script is actually returning. You are assuming that it is echoing ā€œnoneā€ and not something like an empty string (does it take longer than 5 seconds for some reason?), or an error message. In either of those cases it would treat the return value as a timestamp.

Have a look at what @PolishBen has worked up. Hopefully he will share his work. :smile:

Thanks, @watou.
I have seen it and hope so, too :wink:

If I run the script manually the console returns >none<.
In the beginning I tried it without specifying the return value for the negative result and thought I must check for !=null in my rules. But this didnā€™t work.
The approach above seems to work every now and then, but I donā€™t have a clue why itā€™s not reliable.
So there is no obvious typo?

I see nothing wrong with the code as it is which is why Iā€™m focusing on what the script is actually returning.

Running it by hand from the console is not enough. When you run it from openHAB it is running from a different user and in a different environment so your script may not behave the same for it as it does for you. That is why I think you need to log out what the script is returning and see what it returned in the cases where it didnā€™t work. Iā€™m guessing you will find it is something not expected. Perhaps an empty stringā€¦

Thanks for not giving up on me :wink:
The returned string is definitely not empty.
Even if I try to ā€œtranslateā€ the returned value with ā€œ.toStringā€ it doesnā€™t help (see the two different lowinfo entries below).

I am currently running:

rule "check for new image and copy"
    Time cron "40 0/2 * * * ?"
    var timestamp_tmp = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/copyLatestABUS.sh", 5000)
    logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "timestamp_tmp.toString: " + timestamp_tmp.toString)
    logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "timestamp_tmp: " + timestamp_tmp)
//    Abus_Motion_tmstmp.postUpdate(timestamp_tmp.toString)
    if (Abus_Motion.state == OFF) {
        if (timestamp_tmp == "none") {
            logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "Motion detection: " + Abus_Motion_tmstmp)
            sendTelegram("OH_TeleBot", "TeleEye:\n KEINE Bewegung detektiert!")
        else {     
//            postUpdate(Abus_Motion_tmstmp, timestamp_tmp.toString)
            logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "Motion detected: " + Abus_Motion_tmstmp)
            sendTelegram("OH_TeleBot", "TeleEye:\nBewegung detektiert!")

In the log I see:
2015-12-22 17:04:40.586 [INFO ] [hab.model.script.TeleEye PIR: ] - timestamp_tmp.toString: none
2015-12-22 17:04:40.820 [INFO ] [hab.model.script.TeleEye PIR: ] - timestamp_tmp: none

And when you see it log ā€œtimestamp_tmp: noneā€ it still executes the else clause instead of if (timestamp_tmp == "none")?

If that is the case, try using the .equals method instead of ==

if(timestamp_tmp.equals("none")) {

I donā€™t think you should have to do this but I canā€™t think of any other reason why the if would be failing.

Oh, also add some characters around timestamp_tmp in your log statement so we can be sure it doesnā€™t have a trailing space or something that could be gumming up the works.

logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "timestamp_tmp: >" + timestamp_tmp + "<")

Thanks - I will try (both suggestions).
Actually the response in the log for the latter suggestion is:

2015-12-22 18:46:40.711 [INFO ] [hab.model.script.TeleEye PIR: ] - timestamp_tmp: >none<

if you declared the variable

val String timestamp_tmp = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/copyLatestABUS.sh", 5000)

then would the string comparison



Sorry, is this a question or a suggestion?
You mean
var (not val), right?
if(ā€œnoneā€.equals(timestamp_tmp)) {

Does is matter, if itā€™s really equal?

It is a suggestion.

Nope, he means val. If you are not going to reassign a variable is it good coding practice to make it final (i.e. use val instead of var). It is a good habit to get into and can save you some heartache later on. Honestly 75-90% of all the variables in a typical rule should be vals, not vars.

We donā€™t know, thatā€™s the point. If the if statement is not running even when timestamp_tmp appears to be set to ā€œnoneā€ then clearly it isnā€™t really equal. Swapping the comparison around like @watou suggests is a way to figure out if the Rules engine is doing something odd and unexpected with the type that timestamp_tmp is being set to.

I have a working version:

rule "check for new image and copy"
    Time cron "40 0/1 * * * ?"
    val String timestamp_tmp = executeCommandLine("/etc/openhab/configurations/scripts/copyLatestABUS.sh", 5000)
    if (Abus_Motion.state == OFF) {
        if(timestamp_tmp.equals("none")) {
            logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "New file timestamp: >" + timestamp_tmp + "<")
        else {     
            logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "Motion detected - Timestamp: >" + Abus_Motion_tmstmp.state + "<")
            sendTelegram("OH_TeleBot", "TeleEye:\nBewegung detektiert!")
    else {
        logInfo("TeleEye PIR: ", "Motion ignored: Abus_Motion.state: " + Abus_Motion.state)

But I encountered an issue with my timer, which I moved into another separate rule.
I will check it out a lottle closer and will post the new issue in another post.
Thank you very much!
@rlkoshak, @watou