[SOLVED] Upgrade to OH2.5/MS4 over a existing OH2.4 - possible?

… oh, oh, … don’t work:

What do you see whne you run this in the console?

list -s |grep zwave

If you have manually installed the zwave binding, you need to delete the jar from addons. If you have never installed the zwave binding, you need to run bundle:install instead of bundle:update.

Although, I may understand this better… that message may be due to the version change. Uninstall the zwave binding…

bundle:uninstall org.openhab.binding.zwave

Then run…

bundle:install https://openhab.jfrog.io/openhab/online-repo-snapshot/2.5/org/openhab/addons/bundles/org.openhab.binding.zwave/2.5.0-SNAPSHOT/org.openhab.binding.zwave-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

i see this:

… and … i’ve installed the zwave-Binding via paperUI … should i uninstall by paperUI? Will my Things still there after uninstal?

Thanks for the late night support :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

Only 6:45PM for me :wink:

Yes, uninstall the zwave binding that you have (through Paper UI or the console) and then run bundle:install. Your Things will be there when you install it again. But ALWAYS do a backup before making changes!

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okay … uninstalled via paperUI … then startet the “Bundle: install …” … after a few seconds i had the prompt again:

… and after a reload of the Bindings in the paperUI nothing changed:

… maybe i make mistakes cause it’s 1:00am here :frowning:

You won’t see the binding in Paper UI. Did your zwave Things go online? Look under Configuration> Things. How about…

list -s | grep zwave
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Mmmh Things are not online:


Is the binding active? Have you restarted OH? Do you have a controller Thing and is it configured properly? What do you see in the openhab.log after setting zwave to debug?

If this is all too complicated, upgrade your OH to 2.5M4 or wait for 2.5 stable.


EDIT: complete instructions please see down below, in this post.

I’m sure, that dependency “com.thoughtworks.xstream” is missing. You also have to install this.

bundle:install http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/servicemix/bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream/1.4.7_1/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream-1.4.7_1.jar

then you have to start both newly installed bundles: (in your case (zwave = 237) and “xstream” probably has ID: 238

You can check this with bundle:list and then search for the ID in left column.
Then do:

bundle:start 238
bundle:start 237


EDIT: complete instructions please see down below, in this post.

No. You do not need to manually install dependencies if you use bundle:install (or bundle:update). When installed in this way, Karaf resolves the dependencies for you, just like when you install through Paper UI.

I’ve tried out 15 min ago. And dependency was NOT installed.

After I’ve installed zwave binding (with your command), I had to start with bundle:start 209

And then following error occurs:

Error executing command: Error executing command on bundles:
        Error starting bundle 209: Could not resolve module: org.openhab.binding.zwave [209]
  Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: com.thoughtworks.xstream; version="[1.4.0,2.0.0)"


OK, we have to check it, what are bringing the following commands?

bundle:list |grep ZWave

bundle:list |grep erial

bundle:list |grep xstream

It should bring the following:

237 | Active |  80 |     | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding


238 | Active   |  80 | 3.14.0                 | nrjavaserial
239 | Active   |  80 | 3.15.0.OH2             | nrjavaserial
240 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Configuration USB-Serial Discovery
241 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Configuration USB-Serial Discovery Linux sysf Scanning
242 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Config Serial
243 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport
244 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport for RXTX
245 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport extension for RXTX RFC2217


246 | Active   |  80 |                | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xstream  

If you have non of the Serial (above) and no xstream (above) and zwave is not Active (e.g. it is only Installed or Resolved) then dependencies are missing!
If all “Serial” are missing, then do the following:

feature:install openhab-transport-serial 

and then (if xstream is missing):

bundle:install http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/servicemix/bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream/1.4.7_1/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream-1.4.7_1.jar

and then:

bundle:start org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream
bundle:start org.openhab.binding.zwave

at the end again:


this should result in:

237 | Active   |  80 |     | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: ZWave Binding
238 | Active   |  80 | 3.14.0                 | nrjavaserial
239 | Active   |  80 | 3.15.0.OH2             | nrjavaserial
240 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Configuration USB-Serial Discovery
241 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Configuration USB-Serial Discovery Linux sysf Scanning
242 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Config Serial
243 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport
244 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport for RXTX
245 | Active   |  80 | 0.10.0.oh240           | Eclipse SmartHome Serial Transport extension for RXTX RFC2217
246 | Active   |  80 |                | Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xstream


If ALL are Active now, then zwave should run again with the latest snapshot binding.

OK. - it works! I actually had to do all the manual steps - but my existing setup works (again).:+1::+1:

I would have hoped that I can already search in the PaperUI for the Roller Shutter 3 … but there ist still displayed version 2.4.0 * sigh.
… I guess I have to create the Roller Shutter manually as a thing incl. Item linking …
Nevertheless, thanks for the fast and comprehensive help.

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Go to the Inbox and have it “search for things” with the zwave binding?

Strange Things…i see in the binding that the roller shutter 3 is now supported… but I can’t find it by “standard thing search”… now I’m not even sure if the device itself is the problem… have to check this…:triumph:

When you list the bundle in the console, what version of the binding shows?

Sometimes it helps to delete all zwave things (in PaperUI) for your devices, but keep the controller thing (do not delete!) .

Then search inbox again (for zwave devices).


Did you INCLUDE it to your z-wave network before?

That is actually required, in order to pickup any binding changes. The controller is generic enough you just leave it, The Things are discovered with the same IDs so Items and rules do not break.

Do you mean this?

OK, the binding supports it now. Next step would be to INCLUDE it to your Z-Wave network, have you done that already? (It’s like pulling teeth from this guy. :wink: )