Use a simple delay to update a Switch?

I do have a simple switch which is working. Now I would like to use a simple delay in order to “delay” the update of the new state of the switch. This means when I press the switch I would like to wait x-seconds before the switch changes its state.

Is this possible in the UI? I have not found anything I can use with a rule or metadata.


You will need an unlinked proxy item calling a rule that sends a command to the real item

Hi Norick,
directly in UI this might not be possible.
In a rule that should work.
You would need another switch which would be used to delay your “real” switch.
The rule could look like this:

var Timer delaytimer = null

rule "delayed switching 1"
    Item delayed_switch changed to ON
    delaytimer=createTimer(now.plusSeconds(5)) [|   // wait 5 seconds 

// --- or with Thread::sleep command:

rule "delayed switching 2"
    Item delayed_switch changed to ON
    Thread::sleep(5000)             // wait 5 seconds       

It’s possible in the UI but not possible using just simple UI rules. But you can use Blockly to write the script actions all in the UI. You can write text based script actions all in the UI too.

thanks for all replies. At the end i used a script although I understand all answers are working!

Thanks a lot

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