Hey, I have problems with my timer rule.
Maybe someone can help me
I want that an timer starts when two sensors send a status “OFF”.
After 90 seconds should switch off the lights. But when the sensors received a signal “ON” then should the timer break and repeat when the sensors received again status “OFF”
my Code:
var logger = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var ScriptExecution = Java.type("org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.ScriptExecution");
var ZonedDateTime = Java.type("java.time.ZonedDateTime");
var Bath_Timer;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'ON' || itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'ON') {
events.sendCommand('GLight_Bath_Ceiling_Color', itemRegistry.getItem('varColor_Global').getState());
logger.info('Bewegung im Bad erkannt');
/* if (Bath_Timer.timer != undefined) {
Bath_Timer.timer = undefined;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'OFF' && itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'OFF') {
Bath_Timer = ScriptExecution.createTimer(ZonedDateTime.now().plusSeconds(45), function(){
events.sendCommand('GLight_Bath_Ceiling_Color', 'OFF');
Bath_Timer = null;
But the timer arn’t brake und restart if some presence are detected over the time. so now the timer starts if he gets the first time signal for no movement
var logger = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var ScriptExecution = Java.type("org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.ScriptExecution");
var ZonedDateTime = Java.type("java.time.ZonedDateTime");
var Bath_Timer;
this.Bath_Timer = (this.Bath_Timer === undefined) ? null: this.Bath_Timer;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'ON' || itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'ON') {
events.sendCommand('GLight_Bath_Ceiling_Color', itemRegistry.getItem('varColor_Global').getState());
logger.info('Bewegung im Bad erkannt');
if (this.Timer !== undefined) {
this.Timer = undefined;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'OFF' && itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'OFF') {
this.Bath_Timer = ScriptExecution.createTimer(ZonedDateTime.now().plusSeconds(45), function(){
events.sendCommand('GLight_Bath_Ceiling_Color', OFF);
this.Bath_Timer.timer = undefined;
2021-01-05 23:18:21.141 [ERROR] [internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID ‘6e54d4fea4’ failed: TypeError: null has no such function “cancel” in at line number 13
var logger = Java.type('org.slf4j.LoggerFactory').getLogger('org.openhab.rule.' + ctx.ruleUID);
var ScriptExecution = Java.type("org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.ScriptExecution");
var ZonedDateTime = Java.type("java.time.ZonedDateTime");
var Bath_Timer;
this.Bath_Timer = (this.Bath_Timer === undefined) ? null: this.Bath_Timer;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'ON' || itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'ON') {
events.sendCommand('GLight_Bath_Ceiling_Color', itemRegistry.getItem('varColor_Global').getState());
logger.info('Bewegung im Bad erkannt');
if (this.Bath_Timer !== undefined) {
this.Bath_Timer === undefined;
if (itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'OFF' && itemRegistry.getItem('MotionSensorPresence_Bath1').getState() == 'OFF') {
this.Bath_Timer = ScriptExecution.createTimer(ZonedDateTime.now().plusSeconds(45), function(){
events.sendCommand('GLight_Bath_Ceiling_Color', OFF);
this.Bath_Timer === undefined;
I am not sure anymore what’s wrong, I tried since 4 days to running this script
The error is pretty explicit. this.Bath_Timer is null. There is no cancel() method on null. Remember, you’ve initialized this.Bath_Timer to null the first time if it’s not already defined.
There are a number of other problems with the code:
this.Bath_Timer is set to null if undefined or the timer ID when the timer is created. However it is always tested for !== undefined. So all tests will always return true so you will always be cancelling the timer even if it has not started. You should remove the first line of code: “this.Bath_Timer = (this.Bath_Timer …”
It is not clear whether you actually turn the light on as it is either set to explicitly OFF or to the same state as ‘varColor_Global’ so whether or not the light is turned on depends not just on the motion sensors but also the state of another device. So you need to make sure that is in the correct state.
When setting this.Bath_Timer to undefined you should be doing: this.Bath_Timer = undefined; (an asignment) rather than: this.Bath_Timer === undefined; (an equivalance test)
And I’ve submitted a pull request to add a global scope for script handled by jsr223 script engines. Maybe, if the maintainers think of it as a good idea, it will eventually get into OH3. Pull request is here: Adds global context variables to action scripts #2089
I’ve replied on github, but for the audience here the tl;dr is:
JavaScript already works like Rules DSL in this respect. All the “global” variables defined in a .js file is available to all the Rules defined in that .js file, just like in Rules DSL
If there is a problem, it that there isn’t (or at least I don’t know it yet) a way to preserve the state of a variable from one run of a Rules DSL Script Action to the next. There is a way to do that with JavaScript (see above). So the problem is Rules DSL Script Actions are less capable compared to JavaScript in Script Actions so it’s Rules DSL that needs to be fixed.
There is a ScriptExtension feature that isn’t widely well understood which is the mechanism that would be used to share variables between rules (either those defined in separate files or separate Script Actions/Conditions). And again, this is something that is unavailable in Rules DSL so again, it’s Rules DSL that needs to be fixed, not JavaScript.
You do not need to declare var Bath_Timer;, as that creates a function scoped variable is not actually used anywhere. You are only using the globally scoped this.Bath_Timer variable. If you were to use Bath_Timer, it would contain entirely different values from this.Bath_Timer. It is not affecting the functionality of your script, but it is not needed.
You seem to be using the same item name for both the motion sensor checks, I imagine you actually have a second motion sensor in the bath that is not actually being used in the script. MotionSensorPresence_Bath2 perhaps?
I need a timer, too.
Its possible to use only the UI of OH3?
I have create a rule to switch on a light.
I have an Item where i set a Number how long the light is on.
I have to Set the Datetime If the rule “Switch on” runs?
I need the Datetime plus my time aus Trigger for the rule “Switch off”
But i dont know how i can create this Timer AS Trigger for the rule or could i do Something else?
May I ask why one should call it via this.Bath_Timer instead of just Bath_Timer? It looks like a class member anyway. Shouldn’t it work with Bath_Timer just as well?
As @rlkoshak said you can create a rule in OH3 using either as via a file or via the UI.
If you are moving from OH2 to OH3 and already have a file based rule it should still work under OH3 but may need a small tweak. In particular for a timer you might have to include:
var ScriptExecution = (this.context.ScriptExecution === undefined) ? Java.type("org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.ScriptExecution") : this.context.ScriptExecution = true;
var ZonedDateTime = Java.type("java.time.ZonedDateTime");
and change your timer call from “createTimer” to “ScriptExecution.createTimer”.
If you want to use the UI in OH3 then “Add Trigger” has the option to create a trigger using Cron or a fixed time of day. When this triggers you could then use “ScriptExecution.createTimer(now.plusMinutes(x),…” to call a function x Minutes after the initial trigger. You can use plusHours() or plusSeconds() instead of plusMinutes().