Using Groups to toggle multiple switches

Hello all. I have to lights that I am successfully controlling with switches. I have two living room lights and one kitchen light. I want to make a switch that turns of both the living room lights off and on together. I looked at the other posts here and I cannot see my mistake. Hopefully, someone here can point out what my mistake is. My idea is I creat a group switch called gL and the living room lights will be part of gL and when when I turn of/off gL the living room lights will toggle too.

Here is the .items file:

Group:Switch:OR(ON,OFF) gL "Living Room Lights"
Switch LRTableLamp "Living Room Table Lamp" (gL) {mqtt=">[mymqtt:LR/TableLamp:command:ON:1],>[mymqtt:LR/TableLamp:command:OFF:0]"}
Switch LRFloorLamp "Living Room Floor Lamp" (gL) {mqtt=">[mymqtt:LR/FloorLamp:command:ON:1],>[mymqtt:LR/FloorLamp:command:OFF:0]"}
Switch KitchenLight "Kitchen Lights" {mqtt=">[mymqtt:LR/KitchenLamp:command:ON:1],>[mymqtt:LR/KitchenLamp:command:OFF:0]"}

Here is the Site map:

sitemap testsitemap label="My home automation" {
Frame label="Demo" {
Switch item=LRFloorLamp
Switch item=LRTableLamp
Switch item=KitchenLight
Switch item=gL

Anyone Spot the Error?

The problem solved after restart of OpenHab. I think the software needed a reset to get to know the groups. Its all working now.