Using nested frames in sitemaps

Hi there,

i would like to use nested frames in my sitemap is it possible?

I would like to have frames in my “service” section.

This is my sitemap:

sitemap Haus label="LiNaDo-Haus"
        Frame {
            Group item=gOG label="Oben" icon="firstfloor"
            	Group item=Bad
                        Text item=Badezimmer_Fenster


                        //{Number item=Rollo_Bad_Position label="Rollo Position [(%d)]" 
                        //{Switch item=Rollo_Bad          label="Rollo [(%d)]" mappings=[UP="Hoch", STOP="X", DOWN="Runter"]}

                        Text item=Heizung_Bad_Luft   
                        Text item=Heizung_Bad_Ist    
                        Setpoint item=Heizung_Bad_Soll  step=0.5 minValue=0 maxValue=30
                        // Unter-Gruppe Service
                        Group item=Service
                        Text item=Heizung_Bad_Bat_V  
                        Text item=Heizung_Bad_Bat_T  
            	Group item=Schlafzimmer
            		Switch item=Rollo_Bad label="Rolläden"
            	 	Switch item=gRollladenEG label="Rollläden EG [(%d)]" mappings=[UP="Hoch", STOP="X", DOWN="Runter"] 
            	 	Switch item=gRollladenEG label="Rollläden mEG [(%d)]"
            	Group item=Kind1
            	Group item=Arbeitszimmer
            	Group item=Flur
            Group item=gEG label="Erdgeschoss" icon="groundfloor"
            Group item=gKG label="Keller" icon="cellar"

And this is what i want but what does not run:

  // Unter-Gruppe Service
Group item=Service
{frame service  
                            Text item=Heizung_Bad_Bat_V  
                            Text item=Heizung_Bad_Bat_T  


Could anyone give me a hint?

Greetings Dominic