Value-Added Tax Transformation [;

This simple transformation adds VAT (Value-Added Tax) to a given input amount.

Its main purpose is to conveniently let the provided profile add VAT when linking an item to a channel without requiring any configuration. However, it can also be used for display purposes only, although in this case the rate must be configured.

One use-case is to eliminate the need for any built-in VAT logic in bindings providing electricity prices, thereby reducing redundancy.


  • Automatic rate according to country in openHAB regional settings (no configuration needed).
  • Consolidates VAT calculation in one centralized place.
  • Potentially eliminates custom VAT calculations in bindings.
  • Not dependent on any online service.


  • Only standard rate supported, no specialized types of VAT.
  • Only one rate per country supported, no deviations for specific territories .
  • Only current rate supported, no validity periods implemented yet.
  • Rates are currently built in, thus add-on needs to be distributed when rates are changing.


Version 0.1

  • Initial release



Source code


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