it looks better but still I have a error in the logs. Value "XXX"could not be sent to the KNX bus using datapoint…no conformation replay…
but it has been send I can see it in ETS. would you share with me your KNX.CFG settings?
Sorry for being late. I have the same errors in the log from time to time. But i decided to life with it until the knx 2.0 binding is more or less officially available.
Here’s my knx.cfg:
Sorry for doulbe writing like in another thread… but I hope this information helps: I had many troubles with the “wait for confirmation” error… I think that it is important in TUNNEL-mode that busaddr in the knx.cfg file is identical to the address which is given by your IP Interface for the openHAB-connection (at least if there is “only” an IP interface and not an IP router in your installation). I don’t think that the default (busaddr=0.0.0) works in all hardware situations even if there is just one openHAB instance (e.g. I use the Enertex IP Interface there you can define the busaddr per connection. But be aware a disconnect and reconnect to the IP interface can lead to a different busaddr if there is more than one device which will connect to the IP interface).
My BAOS 771 works great with ETS but not with OpenHAB. I have written my own Interface via UTP and this works greate to. now i try to use openhab and my Interface and put am mqtt Server in the midle…