Viessmann API binding for OpenHAB 4.0 [4.0.0;5.0.0)

If you could help me how to pull that json file/dump for a Vitocaldens (as I have) I could try things

When I send setpoint data like the heating_circuit_0_operating_programs_reduced to the Viessmann cloud then only integer numbers are accepted. Float setpoints like 14.2 are rejected.
Would such a check in our binding be possible?

For me the Viessmann binding is broken too. I’m on Openhab 4.3.2 right now and I can install the binding but after configuring it, it never comes online, it always stays on “unknown”. On the configuration page “/vicare/setup” it seems to me, the binding is authorized and i can see my devices listed. But unfortunately, it stays “unknown”.

Can you tell me please, which other binding you are using? I only can find the Vitotronic binding, but as far as I remember this does only work with a local opto coupler device?

Ok, I think I need to correct myself, after posting my previous post, I decided to give it on more try and after disabling and enabling again, it finally came up online.

Hi Uli, can you distribute the Json file ?

Here is my JSON (Vitocal 252a with Vitotrol 300e remote control).
I generated one for the Vitrotrol as well but that is empty.
I can see the room temperature in a channel but not the humidity sensor.
Anyway, I hope that JSON helps.
responseCapture.json (148.2 KB)