Voice commands to alexa don't operate dummy switches

OK, I guess Im just not grasping something here.

Here is my items file:

//This is the Items File
//Demo Items
//Light Switches
Switch BedLightSwitch "Bedroom Light" <light>

The things file is empty because I dont actually have any “things” to control yet.

Here is the sitemap file:

sitemap home label="MK-SmartHouse"
       Frame label="Demo"
               Switch item=BedLightSwitch

I guess Im just not understanding how to “tag” items, I thought thats what the items file does, give names to things.

Ive googled until im blue and Im just not finding any information on item tagging. I have enabled the HomeKit on Alexa but still cant find where to link to voice commands.

I have no other hardware other than Amazon Echo Dot and RasPi running openhab 2.0.

Is a physical device required to make this work? I have a couple wifi enabled power strips on the way but just wanted to get some dummy switches responding to voice commands through alexa first.

I have read through



But something still isnt sinking in…