Wall mounted openhab screen

Yes if have a wireless charger mounted on the wall which gets power from a wall plug on the other side of the wall. There are velcro strips stuck to the wireless charger and also to the back of the tablet.

So the tablet stays constantly charged and I can remove it if I need to use the tablet.

How about using a Raspi with touchscreen? There is the “official” screen with the “official” case for Pi and screen, but there are others available, too (but I have not found an alternative with a good case for the screen and the Pi, yet).

In fact my whole OH-System is such a Touch-Raspi with Razberry Z-Wave Controller running Habian and Chromium in kioskmode to display my HABpanel.

Hmm, I like this idea.
Hi, do you have a link to the official screen and case, what size is it?

The original screen has 7’’ and can be found in all specialized Raspi-Shops, Maker-Shops, Amazon, … Here - just as an example - is a bundle of screen and case:

Be Aware that this combination has one build in mistake. The screen has to be installed bottom up in the case. If you hang it to/install it in a wall, you better turn around the whole case, to get the best view. If you put the case on a desk the way it is designed, it is bad to view if you look from above.

This one here looks interesting, too:


do you use the raspberry pi as a openhab server as well?

I was told serving on a raspberry pi was not the best think. I’m hosting on a synology diskstation, so i suppose i could just use the Pi as a terminal as well?

I use the Pi as a Server/Client combination for over a year. And up to now it works well. I have about 20 Z-Wave components, some Hue lights (with a Hue-Bridge), and some Homematic devices (with a CCU2) linked to it, and use the whole stuff mostly as a remote-switch and with some rather simple rules, like informing me of doors/windows opened, smoke detected or water leakage while not at home. I also use some timers and a simple presence simulation.

I do not know how much you do with OH, and how much sessources this needs, but for not too complex and “heavy duty” installations the Raspi is just fine.

After I had to rebuild my system under OH 2 I wrote a protocol with all necessary steps to get such a Client/Server combination running. It is not well commented yet, but if you like, I can post it.

I’m quite liking the look of this currently for a nice big family room dashboard …

stick with the syno for your OH server, no worries of sd card write failures.

there are multitudes of inexpensive android tablets available to do the job. then visit your local craft store and find a picture frame to fit around it

see: https://forum.pimatic.org/topic/3311/koffienl-s-tablet-guide-frame-for-wall-mounted-tablet
for an example

Hi Jörg,

do you use the PI for visualisation/HAB-Panel and as OpenHab-Server/Client?

I try to use the Raspberry-Touchscreen as Panel.


Hi Alfred,

yes, I do. I have bought a PI, a Razberry Z-Wave Module, the original Touchscreen and the original housing, to build a quite small openHAB device. As I did not want/dare to solder the power cables for the panel onto the PI I had to make an additional hole in the housing to use a short USB-cable instead, as the Razberry unfortunately does not allow a daisychaining.

Then I installed a normal openhabian image, added LXDE and the chromium browser, which I configured to start automatically with HABpanel. The only missing part so far is, that HABpanel always starts with an empty panel, although it should start with the preconfigured panel I designed. So I have to go to my panel manually every time the device has to be rebooted.

If you like, I can send you a short “step.by-step” list of things I did, to get such a thing up and running.



Hi Joerg,

A short step by step list how you realize the Projekt would be great.

I work with the raspberryPi and openHAB only a few weeks ago and struggle sometimes with the variety of possibilities.

I guess you are a German native too and we could talk outsidee the forum in german?



Hi Alfred,

here is my step-by-step:

Openhab2 Server/Touchclient installieren

Von https://github.com/openhab/openhabian/releases Image *.img.xz laden

Mit Etcher flashen (Datei nicht in *.img umbenennen!)

Installation durchlaufen lassen

mit user: openhabian pw: openhabian einloggen

sudo openhabian-config

Punkt Update

Punkt Upgrade


Folgende Punkte sind nur für Razberry notwendig:

  •      Punkt "Serial Port Settings" auswählen und dort alle drei Punkte markieren
  •      Wenn Razberry nicht gefunden wird unter /boot/cmdline.txt Eintrag  console=serial0,115200 löschen

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf um statische IP-Adresse wie folgt am Ende erweitern, wenn man dies möchte

Statische IP-Adresse

interface eth0

static ip_address=192.168.0.xxx/24 (welche immer bei dir zum Netzwerk past)

static routers=192.168.0.xxx (ebenfalls passend zum Netzwerk)

static domain_name_servers=192.168.0.xxx (passend zum Netzwerk

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

lcd_rotate=2 am Ende eintragen um Bildschirm zu drehen

sudo apt install raspberrypi-ui-mods um Pixel Oberfläche zu installieren

sudo apt install chromium-browser um Chromium zu installieren

sudo nano /home/openhabian/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart um Chromium im Kioskmode zu starten um

@chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --kiosk --incognito (und ggf. passende Oberfläche) ergänzen, damit HABPanel geladen wird, auf dem Gerät selbst die Servergespeicherte Oberfläche EG_Licht auswählen

[19:15:32] openhabian@openHABianPi:/etc$ sudo visudo um Eintrag

Defaults:openhabian !authenticate

ergänzen, damit User openhabian bei sudo kein PW mehr braucht (wenn man das möchte)

Screensaver in den Pixel Einstellungen auf “blank” stellen

Um eigene Icons (DWD und VMZ, …) anzeigen zu können: Icons in Kleinschreibung dwd.png, vmz.png nach /etc/openhab2/icons/classic kopieren

Um schreibend per SAMBA auf die Konfigurationsdateien zugreifen zu können müssen pro Share folgende Einstellungen vorgenommen werden:

browseable = Yes

writeable = Yes

only guest = no

create mask = 0777

directory mask = 0777

public = no

force user = root




Thanks for the plan!

The display works and I’m sitting now on source code for openHAB.

My control works with lan, do you think it works with WiFi also or is it not recommend?

Greets, Alfred

Please guys, this is an international forum and the language is English. If you need to write in German language please use PM or the German language forum.
This is the way other users all over the world can benefit from answers.

I thought it was a pm…:see_no_evil:

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Hallo Alfred,

ich bevorzuge LAN, wo immer es geht. Ist einfach zuverlässiger und stabiler als auch schneller. Im Zweifelsfall eine Fehlerquelle weniger, wenn es irgendwo hakt. Gerade wenn es um einen Server geht. Ich habe noch einen zweiten Raspi mit Touchpanel als reinen Client mit HABpanel. Der hängt tatsächlich nur am WLAN, weil ich mir da das Kabelziehen sparen wollte.




Hello Jorge!

Would you please repost your guide in English? I’m looking for a similar setup.

Thank you in advance!

Here you go!

Set up the hardware by connecting the touchscreen and the Razberry to the Raspberry. If you do not want to solder the power cables for the touchscreen, use a short USB-cable instead, you will need an additional hole in the housing then)

From https://github.com/openhab/openhabian/releases download Image *.img.xz

Use Etcher to flash the Image on an SD card (do not rename the file to *.img!)

Put the card into the Raspberry and connect the device to a powersource and a keyboard (if you know how to use SSH on a newly installed Raspberry, you do not need a keyboard)

Log in as user: openhabian pw: openhabian

type sudo openhabian-config

go to “Update” and update the tool

go to “Upgrade” and upgrade the OS and software


If you use a Razberry:

  • Go to “Serial Port Settings” and mark all checkboxes

  • If the Razberry cannot be found in OH edit /boot/cmdline.txt and delete/comment out the line console=serial0,115200

If you want to give your Raspberry a static IP: sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf and add the following lines

# Static IP-Address

interface eth0

static ip_address=192.168.0.xxx/24 (which ever fits your LAN)

static routers=192.168.0.xxx (address of your router to the internet)

static domain_name_servers=192.168.0.xxx (normally the address of your router to the Internet)

sudo nano /boot/config.txt an add the following line at the end to rotate the touchscreen to the right angle for the housing (the housing requires the screen to be used upside down)


To install the Pixel Desktop
sudo apt install raspberrypi-ui-mods

To install the Chromium Browser
sudo apt install chromium-browser

To make Chromium start in kiosk mode on Startup of Pixel
sudo nano /home/openhabian/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart and add the following line

@chromium-browser --noerrdialogs --kiosk --incognito [https://192.168.0.<your IP>:8080]

(https://192.168.0.:8080/) can/should be expanded by the path to your preferred GUI (i.e. HABpanel)

If you want the devive to start without a PW:

sudo visudo

and add the line

Defaults:openhabian !authenticate

You should also change the screensaver in Pixel to “blank”

If you want to use own icons (DWD und VMZ, …) use lowercase filenames and copy the files like dwd.png, vmz.png to /etc/openhab2/icons/classic

to be able to write to the SAMBA Shares on your Raspberry from your PC you need the following configuration per share:

browseable = Yes
writeable = Yes
only guest = no
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
public = no
force user = root

Greetings Jörg

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There is a problem with the described setup using Pi OS on the Pi4 I faced while trying to install a new server/client, I could not solve yet. After installing raspberrypi-ui-mods for the GUI I have no choice to deactivate the screen locking in the screensaver (buildin and Xscreensaver). I asked in several Pi forums but did not any helpful answers yet. So in the moment there is no way to have a screensaver/sending the monitor in suspend mode without having the need to log in manually again after reactivation of the screen. I will post an update as soon as this is solved.