Weatherbinding not working (again, sigh)

reinstalled… retstarted OH, made sure my weather.cfg was still ok… no prevail, still empty itmes.
So yes if you can show me the http binding pull I would appreciate it. T.b.h… the weatherbinding has shown itself to be pretty fickle in the past as well., so maybe I shld not waste more of your and my time on it and if in future I want to pull the 10 day forecast, maybe the http binding (with a JSON I presume) would be better anyway.
So yes, please., Thanks

The frustrating thing is… it has worked in exactly this config. Then months ago, it stopped, got it working again by deleting the copy cfg file (as I have done now too), and now again trouble

Rich, I think I already found your setup
Works wonderwell.

(thats what we want to see, thanks a bundle)