WeatherCompany binding (WeatherUnderground replacement for PWS data uploaders only!)

Number Weather_Temperature “Temperature [%.2f °C]” {channel=“weathercompany:weather:local:forecastDay0Day#temperature”}

Note that you might need to use the UoM definition to get your data in Metric. If you see the temp in degrees F using this item definition, you’ll need to change it to this.


Before 3pm local time, all items should have values.

After 3 pm local time, all items should have values except for:

  • Day 0 TemperatureMax
  • All Day 0 Day items

@mdnx Would you mind running this URL in your browser, then posting the result back here? Just XXXX out anything in the response that you don’t want to put on the forum. Or, just PM it to me.

And this Binding not showing current weather all day? 30 min refresh?

OK Day1 working… hmm but in old API i have everyday refresh 30min weather condition and here not found?

hi @mhilbush - I had a look though the doc and compared it to the channels in the current Weather Underground Binding . What the Weather Company API offers seems to cover all necessary current observations for use in a SmartHome scenario indeed.

Some values are not provided by Weather Company (such as visibility, dew point or pressure Trend) . However inmho these can be neglected for the use in a Smarthome, as they can either be calculated (dew Point, Pressure Trend) or are not measured by (most of) the PWS - and as such not local and relevant.
Thanks for looking into adding current observations

I’m sorry, but I don’t know how to be more clear about this. The binding currently shows just the weather forecast. Current conditions (as sourced from the data you uploaded from your PWS) is currently not implemented in the binding.

Ok, thanks. It would be great if you could post what I requested above.

I’ll take a look at adding the PWS data.

Who know good binding for current weather everyday 30min refresh?
Same Wunderground old API?

hey - here comes the api reply

{“observations”:[{“stationID”:“IMALM41”,“obsTimeUtc”:“2019-03-06T16:22:04Z”,“obsTimeLocal”:“2019-03-06 17:22:04”,“neighborhood”:“Malmoe Vaestra Hamnen Marina”,“softwareType”:“EasyWeatherV1.1.4”,“country”:“SE”,“solarRadiation”:4.77,“lon”:12.97563267,“realtimeFrequency”:null,“epoch”:1551889324,“lat”:55.60958481,“uv”:0.0,“winddir”:166,“humidity”:93,“qcStatus”:1,“imperial”:{“temp”:42,“heatIndex”:42,“dewpt”:40,“windChill”:38,“windSpeed”:5,“windGust”:9,“pressure”:29.57,“precipRate”:0.05,“precipTotal”:0.10,“elev”:0}}]}

I cannot spot anything private in this reply - its all on wu anyway :slight_smile:

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here i have currently weather temperature etc…
working it with your binding?? temperature now is 9C and how i can show it in Openhab?

You can wait for me to implement it in the binding. :unamused:

what a cluster this whole EOLing the WU API is… So frustrating. Thank you for starting on this binding. I use an Ambient Weather 2902, and as current conditions access is my primary need, looks like I’ll have to start experimenting with the Ambient Weather binding.

Oh yeah. Major cluster.

You can do that. Or, you can wait for me to add the current PWS observations to The Weather Company binding.

Pros for TWC binding

  • you only need one binding for forecast and current conditions

Pros for Ambient Weather binding

  • more data elements than TWC
  • receives data in real-time versus polling (if you upload every minute, you get readings every minute)
  • WS-2902 is fully supported (unless there’s a difference between WS-2902 and WS-2902A)

My opinion, since I wrote both bindings… For current PWS observations, the Ambient Weather binding is a slam dunk over TWC.

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Thanks for making the decision easy for me! And, wow, thank you for also creating the AW binding that it looks like i’ll be enjoying from now on. My sensor array is the 2902, but I opted for the IP Observer (IP1550) receiver because I wanted the unit hardwired to my LAN and really didn’t need the display because I display the weather data of interest on wall mounted tablets running HabPanel. The IP1550 reports to WU and AW both, so I don’t see any issues.

BTW, IBM confirmed your March 22nd date:

Hi Victoria,

I seem to be seeing different EOL dates tossed around, and I have yet to be contacted by WU/WC via e-mail (as I sort of thought I would be - that’s what the original notice says). Can you tell me what day the old API service will actually stop dead in its tracks? Is it March 22nd? Thank You.

1 hour ago

Photo of Victoria Gardner

Victoria Gardner, Official Rep

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Hi, Paul!

All the email efforts went out in late 2018. I’m sorry yours did not manage to find you!

Most of the keys have already been turned off. Keys that are associated with a personal weather station will be kept on until 3-22, at which point they will also be turned off.

Hope that helps!

Victoria Gardner

Long live the PWS

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Sure thing. Let me know if you run into any issues.

I just uploaded a new jar that includes support for PWS Current Observations. See the link in my first post.

A couple points:

  • You need to delete and readd the thing in order to pick up the new channels
  • The PWS channels won’t populate until you put a PWS station id in the thing config
  • The README includes example items and sitemap, but I haven’t updated the channel section and the .things file example.

Let me know if you run into any issues.

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Its not working for me:
It goes inline for 1-3 seconds and then to “OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR”

I get the log entries:

2019-03-07 14:22:12.347 [me.event.ThingUpdatedEvent] - Thing ‘weathercompany:weather:local’ has been updated.

2019-03-07 14:22:12.353 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘weathercompany:weather:local’ changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE

2019-03-07 14:22:15.501 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘weathercompany:weather:local’ changed from ONLINE to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): HTTP response 400: Bad request

Have you an idea?

No. But I suspect there’s something in the URL that TWC doesn’t like.

Can you put the binding in debug mode, then post the URLs that are logged? Please XXXXX out your API key in the URL.

Hej @mhilbush - thank you very much for your binding - It installed and works really fine with me.

One comment/request would be, to change the range of values for the Forecast Refresh Interval .
The Weather Company API allows PWS contributors:

Call volume: 1500/day, 30/minute

Which means, that a minimal 1min Forecast refresh Interval would still be on the safe side (=1440 calls/day). This interval is for sure neither a realistic nor healthy one, but might be of interest in moments, when one is e.g. testing rules etc.

Again - thanks a lot - its fantastic move of your to provide a working binding just hours after the Weather Company API release! In my case, your work, safes me from investing and wasting time with replacement stuff!

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