Webview url----problem--(solved)

hi …localy my webview link works fine…but from openhab cloud not…

Webview url=“” height=8

myopenhab.org is not a generic proxy. It only makes available what can be accessed through the REST API of your OH server. Whatever URL you put into a webview must be directly accessible from your browser on whatever network it happens to be on…

To make a webview work you need to expose your video server to the Internet and use your internet addressable URL. Obviously this is a pretty bad idea and I don’t recommend it.

If your server provides a straight mjpg stream you can use the Video element on your sitemap. myopenhab.org IS able to proxy images and video streams when you use the Video and Image elements.

That url is accessable from the internet

thank u very much for reply

the easyist way to view a web cam is on habpanel and add a image widget…with static image url …this is a foscam example and it work very very good…