What do these errors mean and how to fix?

when using a tool, sub to #, not '#' (without the ' ')

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openhab> items list |grep -i cord1
cord1 (Type=SwitchItem, State=NULL, Label=Cord-1, Category=poweroutlet, Groups=[Cords, Lights, Power])

so we could break down:
mosquitto_pub -u openhabian -P D1aNAL@n3 -d -t diana/cord1/cmnd/POWER -m off


mosquitto_pub = broker
-u open -P Dxxxxx -d = XXX
-t diana/cord1/ = topic
cmnd/ = command
POWER = trigger
-m off = transformation
am I missing a user and password in my topic?

Now to be easy for you try to arrange your code just like my example and check for difference

Switch Spoturii         {mqtt="      >        [mqtt:  apartament/dormitor/lampa2:      command:   ON    :1],
                                     >        [mqtt:  apartament/dormitor/lampa2:      command:   OFF   :0]"}
String RGBdormitor "LED Strip String"        
                        {mqtt="      >        [mqtt:  apartament/dormitor/bandaled1:     state:   *     :default]"}

your code 

Switch cord1 "Cord-1" <poweroutlet> (Cords, Lights, Power)
     { mqtt=">      [mosquitto:   diana/cord1/cmnd :        POWER:      on ],
             >      [mosquitto:   diana/cord1/cmnd:         POWER:      off]
             <      [mosquitto:   stat/diana/cord1/POWER:   state:      default]" }

If i am right your code has some missing parameters that the mqtt need to know those parameters

compare my code with your code , and try to understand what you did wrong ,