What is the correct way to redetect a z-wave device

I’m stuggeling with one of my fibaro roller shutters. All others are detected right. Except of one.

This one is detected as the correct model and is partly working. But no xlm-file was created and some of the properties are wrong. If I delete the node with habmin and let it redetect, again no xml-file is created and it is redetected with wrong settings again.

I compare json db and there is a difference:

Fully working one:
“properties”: {
“zwave_class_basic”: “ROUTING_SLAVE”,
“zwave_class_generic”: “MULTILEVEL_SWITCH”,
“zwave_frequent”: “false”,
“zwave_neighbours”: “”,
“zwave_version”: “25.25”,
“zwave_listening”: “true”,
“zwave_deviceid”: “4096”,
“zwave_nodeid”: “47”,
“zwave_routing”: “true”,
“zwave_beaming”: “true”,
“zwave_class_specific”: “MOTOR_CONTROL_CLASS_B”,
“zwave_manufacturer”: “271”,
“zwave_devicetype”: “770”

partly working one:
“properties”: {
“zwave_class_basic”: “ROUTING_SLAVE”,
“zwave_class_generic”: “MULTILEVEL_SWITCH”,
“zwave_frequent”: “false”,
“zwave_neighbours”: “”,
“zwave_version”: “25.25”,
“zwave_listening”: “false”,
“zwave_deviceid”: “4096”,
“zwave_nodeid”: “46”,
“zwave_routing”: “false”,
“zwave_beaming”: “false”,
“zwave_class_specific”: “MOTOR_CONTROL_CLASS_B”,
“zwave_manufacturer”: “271”,
“zwave_devicetype”: “770”

Manually editing json-file or/and creating a node xml file does not fix it.

What to do?

Even if it is a mains powered device I would wake it up several times.
If that does not help reset it to factory default and try including it again …