What is the latest openHAB2 version for running on Rpi3

The following is the information I get from my install:

openHAB Distribution Version Information

build-no : Release Build
online-repo : https://dl.bintray.com/openhab/mvn/online-repo/2.4

Repository Version

openhab-distro : 2.4.0
smarthome : 0.10.0.oh240
openhab-core : 2.4.0
openhab1-addons : 1.13.0
openhab2-addons : 2.4.0
karaf : 4.2.1

Is the latest version? If not where is the best location to get it?

Thank you,


The docs describe it:

There are three versions: the stable version (2.4), a milestone build (2.5M1) and snapshots (1532). All version numbers are as of today and will change obviously in the future.
How to upgrade to which version is described in the docs (link above); a small warning, snapshots have been broken recently and may occasionally break in the future, if you want to try them, please prepare yourself first so you know how to downgrade if you run into trouble. 2.5M1 seems to be a good compromise these days, but that depends on your needs obviously.

Thank you for your support and the link. I should state that I am new to openHAB, but have learned a lot over the year having set up my Raspberry Pi3, and several bindings for my growing home automation hardware. I should also mention that I have installed bindings for Big Ass Fan, Ecobee, Hue, Network, and Z Wave - not sure if these will be affected/updated/broken by the upgrade to 2.5M1.

From the link you provided I:

Added the openHAB 2 Bintray repository key using

wget -qO - ‘https://bintray.com/user/downloadSubjectPublicKey?username=openhab’ | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https

The next options give command line details for Stable, Testing, and Snapshot. To get the 2.5M1, would I use the Testing option?

echo ‘deb https://dl.bintray.com/openhab/apt-repo2 testing main’ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openhab2.list

I have spent some time looking at documentation describing how to update openHAB, but I must admit I am confused by the variety of locations and instructions offered by community members (not their fault - my lack of experience).

As before, any guidance is appreciated.


Yes. Apologies that I was unclear on this.
Stable is the main version release: so currently 2.4
Testing are the milestones releases: currently 2.5M1
and snapshots…well, they are the snapshots (and as stated above, they seem to be still broken, I would recommend to wait at least until the end of the month)

Thank you again for your prompt reply. I was successful and am now running 2.5M1. I also read the z wave warning and followed the community instructions for deleting and re-adding the Things, which I believe are now all up and running again.
