Whats wrong with this items file?


i am debugging this item file for hours now and i can’t see my error.

Only the items to “S_BR_Bed1_D” gets created. The first item missing is “S_BR_Bed2_D”.

All Items before “S_BR_Bed1_D” are visible in the paper ui and the in the rrd4j persistences folder there are rrd files created for the items.

I get errors like this in the openhab.log, but yeah, thats basically what i am experiencing:
2016-09-23 22:29:48.279 [ERROR] [ui.internal.items.ItemUIRegistryImpl] - Cannot retrieve item ‘S_HW_Ceiling_S’ for widget org.eclipse.smarthome.model.sitemap.Switch

/* Prefixes:
 * H = House
 * R = Room
 * C = Cluster
 * S = Single
 * Room Abbreviations:
 * LR = Living Room
 * BR = Bedroom
 * HW = Hallway
 * GR = Guestroom
 * Postfixes:
 * S = Switch
 * D = Dimmer
 * T = Temperature
 * C = Color
 *   = no Extension -> this groups are only intended to create a hierarchical structure for the gui so that the debugging of problems gets easier.
 * itemtype itemname ["labeltext"] [<iconname>] [(group1, group2, ...)] [{bindingconfig}]

 * House Groups
Group H_Lamps "All Lamps" <light>
String H_Scene "Scene" <video>
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) H_Lamps_S "All Lamps" <light>
Group:Dimmer:AVG H_Lamps_D "All Lamps Dimmer" <dimmablelight>
Group:Dimmer:AVG H_Lamps_T "All Lamps Color Temperature" <colorlight>
Group:Color:AVG H_Lamps_C "All Lamps Color" <colorlight>

 * Room Groups
 * Every Room needs a Group to Turn Off all Lamps at Once - Even ih there is only one Light!
Group R_LR "Livingroom Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps)
String R_LR_Scene "Scene" <video>
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) R_LR_S "Livingroom Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps_S) 
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_LR_D "Livingroom Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (H_Lamps_D)
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_LR_T "Livingroom Temperature" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_T)
Group:Color:AVG R_LR_C "Livingroom Color" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_C)

Group R_BR "Bedroom Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps)
String R_BR_Scene "Scene" <video>
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) R_BR_S "Bedroom Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps_S) 
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_BR_D "Bedroom Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (H_Lamps_D)
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_BR_T "Bedroom Temperature" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_T)
Group:Color:AVG R_BR_C "Bedroom Color" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_C)

Group R_HW "Hallway Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps)
String R_HW_Scene "Scene" <video>
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) R_HW_S "Hallway Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_HW_D "Hallway Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (H_Lamps_D)
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_HW_T "Hallway Temperature" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_T)
Group:Color:AVG R_HW_C "Hallway Color" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_C)

Group R_GR "Guestroom Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps)
String R_GR_Scene "Scene" <video>
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) R_GR_S "Guestroom Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_GR_D "Guestroom Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (H_Lamps_D)
Group:Dimmer:AVG R_GR_T "Guestroom Temperature" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_T)
Group:Color:AVG R_GR_C "Guestroom Color" <colorlight> (H_Lamps_C)

 * Cluster Groups
 * We only need Cluster Groups, where we got two or more Lights which should work as one Light!
 * Single Lamps can be directly added to the Room!
 * The Signal Cluster Group is special, the Signal Lamps are in different Rooms, so they are not assigned
 * to a room, however they are directly subordinated to the house. Also they are not intended to be switched by 
 * homekit so they don't get exposed by the homekit bridge (no tagging)
Group C_Signal "All Signal Lamps" <light> (H_Lamps)
Group:Switch:OR(ON, OFF) C_Signal_S "All Signal" <light>
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_Signal_D "All Signal Dimmer" <dimmablelight>
Group:Color:AVG C_Signal_C "All Signal Color" <colorlight>

Group C_LR_DiningTable "Dining Table" <light> (R_LR)
Group:Switch:AND(ON, OFF) C_LR_DiningTable_S "Dining Table" <light> (R_LR_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_LR_DiningTable_D "Dining Table Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (R_LR_D) ["Lighting"]

Group C_LR_Couch "Couch" <light> (R_LR)
Group:Switch:AND(ON, OFF) C_LR_Couch_S "Couch" <light> (R_LR_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_LR_Couch_D "Couch Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (R_LR_D) ["Lighting"]
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_LR_Couch_T "Couch Temperature" <colorlight> (R_LR_T)
Group:Color:AVG C_LR_Couch_C "Couch Color" <colorlight> (R_LR_C)

Group C_LR_Books "Books" <light> (R_LR)
Group:Switch:AND(ON, OFF) C_LR_Books_S "Books" <light> (R_LR_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_LR_Books_D "Books Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (R_LR_D) ["Lighting"]
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_LR_Books_T "Books Temperature" <colorlight> (R_LR_T)
Group:Color:AVG C_LR_Books_C "Books Color" <colorlight> (R_LR_C)

Group C_BR_Bed "Bed" <light> (R_BR)
Group:Switch:AND(ON, OFF) C_BR_Bed_S "Bed" <light> (R_BR_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_BR_Bed_D "Bed Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (R_BR_D) ["Lighting"]
Group:Color:AVG C_BR_Bed_C "Bed Color" <colorlight> (R_BR_C)

Group C_GR_Bed "Bed" <light> (R_GR)
Group:Switch:AND(ON, OFF) C_GR_Bed_S "Bed" <light> (R_GR_S)
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_GR_Bed_D "Bed Dimmer" <dimmablelight> (R_GR_D) ["Lighting"]
Group:Dimmer:AVG C_GR_Bed_T "Bed Temperature" <colorlight> (R_GR_T)

 * Single Lamps! Finally!
Switch S_Signal1_S "Signal Livingroom" (C_Signal_S, C_Signal) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:6:brightness" }
Switch S_Signal2_S "Signal Hallway"  (C_Signal_S, C_Signal) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:7:brightness" }
Dimmer S_Signal1_D "Signal Livingroom Dimmer"  (C_Signal_D, C_Signal) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:6:brightness" }
Dimmer S_Signal2_D "Signal Hallway Dimmer" (C_Signal_D, C_Signal) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:7:brightness" }
Color S_Signal1_C "Signal Livingroom Color" (C_Signal_C, C_Signal) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:6:color" }
Color S_Signal2_C "Signal Hallway Color" (C_Signal_C, C_Signal) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:7:color" }
Switch S_LR_DiningTable1_S "Dining Table 1" (C_LR_DiningTable_S, C_LR_DiningTable) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:11:brightness" }
Switch S_LR_DiningTable2_S "Dining Table 2" (C_LR_DiningTable_S, C_LR_DiningTable) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:12:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_DiningTable1_D "Dining Table 1 Dimmer" (C_LR_DiningTable_D, C_LR_DiningTable) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:11:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_DiningTable2_D "Dining Table 2 Dimmer" (C_LR_DiningTable_D, C_LR_DiningTable) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:12:brightness" }

Switch S_LR_Couch1_S "Couch 1" (C_LR_Couch_S, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:1:brightness" }
Switch S_LR_Couch2_S "Couch 2" (C_LR_Couch_S, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:2:brightness" }
Switch S_LR_Couch3_S "Couch 3" (C_LR_Couch_S, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:3:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Couch1_D "Couch 1 Dimmer" (C_LR_Couch_D, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:1:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Couch2_D "Couch 2 Dimmer" (C_LR_Couch_D, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:2:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Couch3_D "Couch 3 Dimmer" (C_LR_Couch_D, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:3:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Couch1_T "Couch 1 Temperature" (C_LR_Couch_T, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:1:color_temperature" }
Dimmer S_LR_Couch2_T "Couch 2 Temperature" (C_LR_Couch_T, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:2:color_temperature" }
Dimmer S_LR_Couch3_T "Couch 3 Temperature" (C_LR_Couch_T, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:3:color_temperature" }
Color S_LR_Couch1_C "Couch 1 Color" (C_LR_Couch_C, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:1:color" }
Color S_LR_Couch2_C "Couch 2 Color" (C_LR_Couch_C, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:2:color" }
Color S_LR_Couch3_C "Couch 3 Color" (C_LR_Couch_C, C_LR_Couch) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:3:color" }

Switch S_LR_Books1_S "Books 1" (C_LR_Books_S, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:15:brightness" }
Switch S_LR_Books2_S "Books 2" (C_LR_Books_S, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:16:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Books1_D "Books 1 Dimmer" (C_LR_Books_D, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:15:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Books2_D "Books 2 Dimmer" (C_LR_Books_D, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:16:brightness" }
Dimmer S_LR_Books1_T "Books 1 Temperature" (C_LR_Books_T, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:15:color_temperature" }
Dimmer S_LR_Books2_T "Books 2 Temperature" (C_LR_Books_T, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:16:color_temperature" }
Color S_LR_Books1_C "Books 1 Color" (C_LR_Books_C, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:15:color" }
Color S_LR_Books2_C "Books 2 Color" (C_LR_Books_C, C_LR_Books) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:16:color" }

Switch S_BR_Bed1_S "Bed 1" (C_BR_Bed_S, C_BR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:8:brightness" }
Switch S_BR_Bed2_S "Bed 2" (C_BR_Bed_S, C_BR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:9:brightness" }
Dimmer S_BR_Bed1_D "Bed 1 Dimmer" (C_BR_Bed_D, C_BR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:8:brightness" } ["Lighting"]
Dimmer S_BR_Bed2_D "Bed 2 Dimmer" (C_BR_Bed_D, C_BR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:9:brightness" } ["Lighting"]
Color S_BR_Bed1_C "Bed 1 Color" (C_BR_Bed_C, C_BR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:8:color" }
Color S_BR_Bed2_C "Bed 2 Color" (C_BR_Bed_C, C_BR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:9:color" }

Switch S_GR_Bed1_S "Bed 1" (C_GR_Bed_S, C_GR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:13:brightness" }
Switch S_GR_Bed2_S "Bed 2" (C_GR_Bed_S, C_GR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:14:brightness" }
Dimmer S_GR_Bed1_D "Bed 1 Dimmer" (C_GR_Bed_D, C_GR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:13:brightness" } 
Dimmer S_GR_Bed2_D "Bed 2 Dimmer" (C_GR_Bed_D, C_GR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:14:brightness" }
Dimmer S_GR_Bed1_T "Bed 1 Temperature" (C_GR_Bed_T, C_GR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:13:color_temperature" }
Dimmer S_GR_Bed2_T "Bed 2 Temperature" (C_GR_Bed_T, C_GR_Bed) { channel="hue:0200:00178827902c:14:color_temperature" }

Switch S_GR_Ceiling_S "Ceiling" (R_GR_S, R_GR) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:17:brightness" }
Dimmer S_GR_Ceiling_D "Ceiling Dimmer" (R_GR_D, R_GR) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:17:brightness" } ["Lighting"]

Switch S_HW_Shelf_S "Shelf" (R_HW_S, R_HW) { channel="hue:0220:00178827902c:10:brightness" }
Dimmer S_HW_Shelf_D "Shelf Dimmer" (R_HW_D, R_HW) { channel="hue:0220:00178827902c:10:brightness" } ["Lighting"]
Dimmer S_HW_Shelf_T "Shelf Temperature" (R_HW_D, R_HW) { channel="hue:0220:00178827902c:10:color_temperature" }

Switch S_HW_Ceiling_S "Ceiling" (R_HW_S, R_HW) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:18:brightness" }
Dimmer S_HW_Ceiling_D "Ceiling Dimmer" (R_HW_D, R_HW) { channel="hue:0100:00178827902c:18:brightness" } ["Lighting"]

Switch S_BR_Ceiling_S "Ceiling" (R_BR_S, R_BR) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:19:brightness" }
Dimmer S_BR_Ceiling_D "Ceiling Dimmer" (R_BR_D, R_BR) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:19:brightness" } ["Lighting"]
Dimmer S_BR_Ceiling_T "Ceiling Temperature" (R_BR_T, R_BR) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:19:color_temperature" }
Color S_BR_Ceiling_C "Ceiling Color" (R_BR_C, R_BR) { channel="hue:0210:00178827902c:19:color" }

Thank you

your first error is to have all your items in one file. :slight_smile: Break it down to have a better overview.

Hi Thom,

nope, thats just my Hue Lamps and the Groups for the lamps :wink:



I cleaned up your posting a bit. Now it’s a bit easier to read but I can not see any obvious problem (besides the way over-engineered groups for my taste ;D). Did you open the file with the openHAB / Eclipse Smarthome Designer? Does it complain about a problem in the file?

I think this is just my taste. I am using a lot of groups in my rules files, so if i need to change any rules, this isn’t such a big thing as most complicated things are already solved by the over engineered groups ;).

Thanks for cleaning up, i had difficulties to get the syntax highlighting to work.

I already opened the file in the designer, the only thing the designer is complaining about are the Homekit Tags.

Btw. i am using the Beta4 of openhab2.

Could you copy the file back from here and see if this changes anything? Just following a hunch…

@regnets I just pasted your items in openHAB designer and it doesn’t like the ["Lighting"] items you have appended to S_BR_Bed1_D , S_BR_Bed1_D , etc etc. Try removing those and I think it should work. :slight_smile:

Actually these “Tags” are newly introduced in openhab2. So even if the old designer says this is an error, these Tags are supported.

1 Like

OK, this is strange, without the [“Lighting”] Tag the Items File is working.

However this won’t fix my problems, because now i am unable to use the Homekit and Amazon Echo integration.

OK I didn’t know about the tags yet. :wink: Are you on a recent build of openHAB 2.0? There seems to have been issues with it: https://github.com/openhab/openhab2-addons/issues/1074

Thanks for pointing me at that issue.

My current Build #488 so openhab2 Beta 4.

I just got one tag per item, so this should not apply.

I think the internal database is messed up. I will try to setup a new environment. I am glad that this is just my test environment, so it doesn’t really matter.

If i got the same result with a fresh environment i will file a issue on github.

OK, new Installation, same Items file -> same Error i am filling an issue

Here is the new issue

As you can find in other threads, you need to define your homekit tag before your binding/channel definition, not at the end of the line.

Wow thank you, that was a really dumb mistake.

If it solved your issue, please mark this thread as solved and close your github issue.


The Github issue is already closed.How do i mark this thread? Do i just add [Solved] to the thread title?

Not sure how, but I see some threads marked with a tick box and a comment “solved by user with post xy”

Just found it, click on the three dots of the post and select the check-box. just did so.

Thanks again for your help. appreciate it!