Euhm, wouldn’t there be a zwave.cfg in:conf/services ?
I have one there and it looks like this:
################################ Z-Wave Binding ######################################
# The Z-Wave controller port. Valid values are e.g. COM1 for Windows and /dev/ttyS0 or
# /dev/ttyUSB0 for Linux
port = /dev/ttyACM0
# Z-Wave nightly heal time. This is the hour (eg 2AM) at which the automatic nightly
# network heal will be performed.
healtime = 2AM
masterController = True
(BTW: I removed it before creating the log files that we discuss in the other thread, so logs where made with all setup indeed done through HABmin/PaperUI)
I got the information on this zwave.cfg from this thread:
and somewhere else too (that I can’no longer find)…
But okay, point taken, will use HABmin or PaperUI…