Why is my NTP Binding so "chatty"?

My tail -F log shows a lot of activity like this. Is this normal?

2018-02-09 20:45:45.373 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:44:45.347-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:45:45.353-0500

2018-02-09 20:46:45.384 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:45:45.353-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:46:45.359-0500

2018-02-09 20:47:45.395 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:46:45.359-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:47:45.365-0500

2018-02-09 20:48:45.403 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:47:45.365-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:48:45.376-0500

2018-02-09 20:49:45.409 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:48:45.376-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:49:45.387-0500

2018-02-09 20:50:45.424 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:49:45.387-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:50:45.393-0500

2018-02-09 20:51:45.433 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:50:45.393-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:51:45.407-0500

2018-02-09 20:52:45.439 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:51:45.407-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:52:45.413-0500

2018-02-09 20:53:45.451 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:52:45.413-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:53:45.425-0500

2018-02-09 20:54:45.465 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:53:45.425-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:54:45.438-0500

2018-02-09 20:55:45.471 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:54:45.438-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:55:45.444-0500

2018-02-09 20:56:45.474 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ntp_ntp_local_dateTime changed from 2018-02-09T20:55:45.444-0500 to 2018-02-09T20:56:45.450-0500

Is this the event log, or the openhab log? You should check your configured log levels.

Check your NTP Server thing configuration. I expect you’ll find the refresh interval is set to 60 seconds.

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you don’t really need to log every state change in your events.log. You can lower the log level for this type of entry

either via openHAB console:

log:set WARN smarthome.event.ItemStateChangedEvent

or from the log config file: see example here: Log4j2 Sample Config


  1. By default, this log category is at INFO level, so it’s normal that you are getting these entries logged
  2. It’s not binding specific. All item state changes will be logged, independent of binding config
  3. As mentioned above, you should increase the NTP interval. 60 secs is too small :slight_smile: