Why is openhab server calling openhab.jfrog.io?

I changed the addons.cfg file to

remote = false
I had now 2910 connections.
Let’s see how many connections we have tomorrow.

I understand 1.1 addone need it set to true.
Does this need to be set permanently or should it just be set to true during installing such an add on?

I chose this first step, because that was a change I can do in my source control repository and upload to my machine.
for the change to userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg I need to manually go to that machine which my setup is trying to avoid and I don’t want to do that minutes before going to sleep and risking the office not to work tomorrow while I’m all day at a client .

Status update, with the “remote = false” setting, this morning I went to look for connections, and I see that only 2 connections happend.
At 3:20 this morning one IPv4 and one IPv6 connection.
(before that, it was both connections every minute.)

Would be interesting, if you still can online install bindings when you edit addons.cfg or inside paper ui.

Also would be interesting, if you still get updates inside the paper ui binding list, when there are new bindings available.

yes, I thought of that too. That will be something for this weekend.

I had many more connections every 1 minute from openhab to my local network devices. I identified the old networkhealth-binding. I installed arping and the new network-binding (how old is this? today was the first time, i saw this…) and changed my items to the new channels.

So i decreased the connections a lot. I´m now waiting for the new informations of you and hoping, there will be a fix (?) for the openhab-configuration without losing the ability to do online installs of new bindings.

this evening I see that after 3:20 (last night) no more connections where made.

And installing bindings from online repo? Still working? Will new bindings still come to paper ui without this online checks?

like I said earlier today, that will be for this weekend.

Network is one of the original 2.0 bindings so it has been around since at least OH 2.0 release. In OH 2.1 they added automatic discovery. In OH 2.2 they added arping.

As I discussed above, there won’t be any new bindings showing up in the list in PaperUI. New bindings get added in the snapshot. There only way to get new bindings to already in the list is to install a newer version of OH from after the new binding was merged into the baseline.

That is why the constant polling is a mystery. It doesn’t accomplish anything because the list and versions of the bindings will never change unless you install a new version of OH.

I believe this setting will make it so all the add-ons to be installed from the local machine which will require you to install the openhab2-addons package or else you won’t be able to install new add-ons.

When I changed addons.cfg

A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. “ui = basic,paper”)

ui = basic,habmin,paper ,habpanel

A comma-separated list of UIs to install (e.g. “ui = basic,paper”)

ui = basic,habmin,paper
#,habpanel removed for test of pi hole (and not used yet)

habpanel was removed.

When I changed it back, it was added again.

Then I tried by adding atlona to the bindings

then I got:

12:39:08.770 [ERROR] [.core.karaf.internal.FeatureInstaller] - Failed installing ‘openhab-binding-atlona, openhab-misc-myopenhab’: Error:
Error downloading mvn:org.openhab.binding/org.openhab.binding.atlona/2.3.0-SNAPSHOT

when I changed

remote = true then I got

12:41:45.942 [INFO ] [smarthome.event.ExtensionEvent ] - Extension ‘binding-atlona’ has been installed.

And from that moment on I get again every minute a connection to openhab.jfrog.io

I also noticed that when I still had remote = false that I got a message also every minute that he could not find the binding. I guess this might be related.

See my part above. If you want to run offline, which is what you are doing when you select remote=false you must install the add-ons locally.

You were able to reinstall habpanel because it was in your cache.

Like I suggested above, you should be able to tell maven to stop polling by adding @update=never to the end of the jfrog url in userdata/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg.

That will tell maven to stop polling but it should still allow installation of new bindings from the remote repository.

I know that I need to turn it on for installations.
yet like multiple people have already said it’s not normal that it’s pulling every minute this website.
Hence I’m giving all the information I see.

Playing with a config file I can easily do from a distance. I have not set up anything to change openhab config files. As I want all my changes to be in a sourcecontrol system, I need to set that up first.

As we have a crises at work I did not have time to do more yet.
not sure when I will have time.

No one said this behavior isn’t normal. I bet every oh install it there is polling once per minute.

What we have said is this behavior is not necessary. Not necessary is not the same as not normal.

And I’m just explaining the behavior you are seeing so that we can converge on a solution that solves this unnecessary polling for everyone, not just you.

No one is demanding you to set anything up right now. We are all busy and respect that.

No one said this behavior isn’t normal. . I bet every oh install it there is polling once per minute.
A) You said yourself so much polling is a mystery. When you say something is a mystery I assume you also consider it not normal.

For me it’s not because OH does this out of the box, that this is normal behavior.
You might called it expected OH behavior, yet not normal.
No software should do so much polling.
Especially when nothing needs to happen.

And I’m just explaining the behavior you are seeing
You already did that before.

know that, yet like I told before it will be later. No need to repeat that it needs to be done.

When I say it’s related I’m saying that probably somehow every minute the config file is checked to install new bindings. (except if it does that only when it’ can’t install a biding, yet thet fact that it checks openhab.jfrog.io every minute, I think this also happens every minute, so even that feels like overhead.
(that is using server resources)

Perhaps we have different definitions of normal. Usually normal means expected. It is perfectly valid for normal behavior to be unwanted behavior.

The polling is, as far as I can tell, the default behavior of maven In most configurations that use Maven like this the polling is desired because a new version of a package would trigger a new build. OH isn’t using maven in that way but no one noticed that this was the default behavior.

Will this be changed in a snapshot update soon?

Not until someone:

  • verifies that making the change I suggested in post 9 works and doesn’t break something
  • someone files and issue
  • someone submits a PR

I don’t have the setup right not to track whether this polling is taking place on my system or I would have done so already. Yves understandably has other priorities right now so he can’t do the above. If you have monitoring in place it would help the process along if you would run this experiment to make sure that it works. If you verify it works (i.e. the polling stops but you can still install new bindings) I’ll even file the issue and make the PR if you don’t want to.

I changed the version.properties file to this:

Is this the right change?

openHAB Distribution Version Information
build-no        : Build #1292
online-repo     : https://openhab.jfrog.io/openhab/online-repo-snapshot/2.4@id=openhab@snapshots@update=never

Repository        Version
openhab-distro  : 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
smarthome       : 0.10.0-SNAPSHOT
openhab-core    : 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
openhab1-addons : 1.13.0-SNAPSHOT
openhab2-addons : 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT
karaf           : 4.1.5

I still get connections to jfrog with this settings. I changed the file and made a service restart of openhab.

Any other things i could try?

I edited this two files. Still many connections to jfrog.
