Widgets Expression from items are always { "state": "-" }

Hey @ll,

I’m new to openHab and have a problem i can’t figure out.
All my Widgets for the MainUI are in state always “-”

When I’m testing with the Widgets Expression Tester it’s the same result.

But when i look into the Items Section, there are the correct values shown for the item.

What’s my problem? Please give me an advice :slight_smile:

There are a couple of similar possibilities here. See:


I‘m using the original docker container so I think that the linked problems fit not this problem…
But I test it when I’m back home…

Okay, i’ve figured it out…

The Problem was the Reserve Proxy on my Root Server…
This reverse proxy pointed to the dyndns domain from my synology…
and from this its behind another reverse proxy pointed to the docker container on the syno…

When i call the DynDNS domain address, everything is working fine :slight_smile:

No I’m fighting with my nginx reverse proxy settings - but in time everything works with the dyndns address :slight_smile:

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