Wifi LED Binding with Lepro lampUX 4.5W GU10


I’m having some trouble getting these 3 new Lepro GU10 RGB Bulbs working…

my openHAB version is 3.1.0 release build

I found this post …it describes the parameters to add this bulbs to openhab.

After successfully detecting the ip-adresses of each bulb I added textual configuration files with the recommended settings from the linked post and my detected ip’s.

Now OH shows the 3 things ONLINE and the items are shown in MainUI and I also added them to my old fashioned sitemap file for testing purposes. The channels are shown as linked to the items.

My problem is, everything is shown and working inside openHAB, but the bulbs won’t react to any change made there… if I use the lampUX android app everything is fine…

Any thoughts on that to avoid me pulling my hair out? maybe any errors in the things configuration from the linked post?

my things file looks like this:

Thing wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx10 [ ip="192.168.xxx.xxx", port=6668, pollingPeriod=30, protocol="LD382A", driver="FADING", fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]
Thing wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx99 [ ip="192.168.xxx.xxx", port=6668, pollingPeriod=30, protocol="LD382A", driver="FADING", fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]
Thing wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx89 [ ip="192.168.xxx.xxx", port=6668, pollingPeriod=30, protocol="LD382A", driver="FADING", fadeDurationInMs=1000, fadeSteps=100 ]

my items file:

Switch Smartbulb01Power         "Power"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx10:power"}
Dimmer Smartbulb01White         "White"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx10:white"}
Color  Smartbulb01Color         "Color"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx10:color"}
Dimmer Smartbulb01Speed         "Speed_LED" (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx10:programSpeed"}

Switch Smartbulb02Power         "Power"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx99:power"}
Dimmer Smartbulb02White         "White"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx99:white"}
Color  Smartbulb02Color         "Color"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx99:color"}
Dimmer Smartbulb02Speed         "Speed_LED" (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx99:programSpeed"}

Switch Smartbulb03Power         "Power"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx89:power"}
Dimmer Smartbulb03White         "White"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx89:white"}
Color  Smartbulb03Color         "Color"     (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx89:color"}
Dimmer Smartbulb03Speed         "Speed_LED" (Light) {channel="wifiled:wifiled:708976xxxx89:programSpeed"}


Ok here’s an update…

I tried changing some of the things parameters

If I change the driver parameter from FADING to CLASSIC the things state changes from ONLINE to ERROR: CONFIG.
while driver is set to FADING, changing the protocol parameter has no effect. I can select LD382, LD382A or LD686 and my things stay ONLINE

I changed the pollingPeriod parameter from 3000s to 30s - things are ONLINE but not controlable

Also tried changing the used port… this is really silly - I can use any port and things stay ONLINE

So maybe I need the right port number to control the bulbs - maybe it’s a good idea to let mainUI search for new wifiLED things and sniff their data to see if it differs to my textual config…

any other ideas are welcome

EDIT: the Wifi LED binding scan discovers no bulbs at all… so my plan to sniff the autodetected settings is not possible.

I am experiencing the same issue.

Hi @bulbGuy12

hm okay…

seems like the wifiled binding shows every OH-thing as online as long as the used IP is reachable, no matter if it’s a supported bulb or not - just a thought, have to check this out…

can someone confirm this? and is there any chance to get the ip port used by the bulbs? maybe only the port to send the controlsignal to is wrong??

Quite likely, yes - nowhere is it written that a Thing status represents a device status, this is a common misconception. Better to look upon it as representing the pathway to the device.

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