Wrong time in openhab

My system shows the following time:

      Local time: Mi 2018-03-28 17:41:28 CEST
  Universal time: Mi 2018-03-28 15:41:28 UTC
        RTC time: n/a
       Time zone: Europe/Berlin (CEST, +0200)
     NTP enabled: no
NTP synchronized: yes
 RTC in local TZ: no
      DST active: yes
 Last DST change: DST began at
                  So 2018-03-25 01:59:59 CET
                  So 2018-03-25 03:00:00 CEST
 Next DST change: DST ends (the clock jumps one hour backwards) at
                  So 2018-10-28 02:59:59 CEST
                  So 2018-10-28 02:00:00 CET

The Local time is the correct time for openhab, but it always use the UTC time.

Thing   ntp:ntp:local  [hostname="de.pool.ntp.org", refreshInterval=30, refreshNtp=30]
DateTime NTPTime "NTP Time [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tT]" <clock> {channel="ntp:ntp:local:dateTime"}

How can I change the configuration for using the local time ?

Maybe you default time is not set as you expect it!
Try to set the locale="Europe/Berlin", timeZone="CEST" at the thing.

Hi I changed the thing like this

Thing   ntp:ntp:local  [hostname="de.pool.ntp.org", refreshInterval=30, refreshNtp=30, locale="Europe/Berlin", timeZone="CEST"]

But this doesn’t take any effect after I saved the file. Only a complete restart of my raspberry pi makes it run. :slight_smile:

Thanks for your comment!