X10 binding with CM15

Hi all. I’m a beginner with openhab and I’m insterested in a X10 implentantion. I have the Cm15 module. I read in some issues that insteon PLM can RX/TX X10 comand but I would like to implement an X10 binding. In this way I don’t know what structure or sintax I have to write in the .item file and in the .sitemap file. I appreciate if someone could help me.

Thanks all.

Thanks for your answer. The cm 15 RF doesn’t work and I’m a windows user. Are there more alternatives?


If you can get it to work with scripts/bat files from the command line you can use the Exec binding. Beyond that no.

I run x10Commander and it has an optional web server which then takes URL querystring values to operate the lights. I haven’t started using Openhab yet but I suppose you can just make http calls as actions? Not sure which binding would do that yet, I’ll maybe post again once I install Opebhab lol!

There is the HTTP binding and sendHttpXRequest actions which can be called within rules would do this.

For particularly challenging HTTP calls such as those that have special header fields or specially formatted bodies you can use curl and either the Exec Binding or the executeCommandLine actions.

Nice one thanks - good to know! In this case, it’s just a simple GET request built up by querystring but I can see how more complex API querying would require curl. Thanks again!