Xiaomi MiHome Gateway not responding (Solved)

мои поздравления! Напишите, что добавили в бранмауэр?

Thank you! Firewall has to be disabled for the gateway to appear in the inbox. After that adding a rule to the firewall is enough (see attached print screen). To add the rule go to Report, find port 9898 and highlight it, then press the plus button at the bottom to add a new rule. This is for ubuntu 16.04.

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Thank you so much for this! :star_struck:

I had my firewalls turned off and assumed this wouldn’t/couldn’t be the issue, but the moment I created a rule for port 9898 incoming and deleted the manually created xiaomi things, the Gateway Bridge showed up through regular thing discovery in the Inbox, followed by my other Xiaomi devices after adding it.

The heartbeat is being logged every 10 sec on the debug/trace logs (set via log:set DEBUG org.openhab.binding.mihome and log:set TRACE org.openhab.binding.mihome under the Karaf console via PuTTY) :grinning:

Devices can also be controlled, including Xiaomi Plug and Gateway, and interactions by Switch and Door/Window sensor are also being recorded and acted on :nerd_face:

I bought a new xiaomi gateway device. OpenHab2 is not online when I add it. where am I making mistakes? If you are happy with your help.Xiaomigateway