Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Binding

Hi @marcel_verpaalen,

I still have this PR ([miio] Add support for Dreame L10 Pro vacuum cleaner (p2029) by leifbladt · Pull Request #12803 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub) for the Dreame L10 Pro lying around. Do I need to update it, after the OpenHAB 3.3 release?


Sorry, I did not realize there was PR open for review.
Will check tonight.
Wrt your question: normally there should be no need for an update for these kinds of PR’s

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I also got the Roborock S7 (roborock.vacuum.a27)
I also created the experimental database file

test-roborock.vacuum.a27-20220817-181654.txt (25.3 KB)

@marcel_erkel Do you need any other information?

ok, I got it working by applying the above PR changes to the main branch + adding test device database information for roborock.vacuum.a27.json. I copied the resulting jar to the addons folder, but add to add a vacuum thing manually.

Question: Could I observe status and filling of the fresh and dirty water tanks. This would be an important feature to say “Hey Markus, the fresh water tank needs a refill or empty the dirty water tank”

I assume you see such a level in the mihome app, right?

If there is not such a channel already available (I thought there is a waterbox status channel), can you share the (debug log) response of full refresh esp the response to get_status is to be double checked as it may have changed again for your model.

It may also be interesting to see the response to get_fw_features for this model. note: this is only executed if you enable the info#fw_features channel.

I don’t think you need a db file for this model. The database is used for miio:basic, miio:gateway & miio:lumi. It is not used for miio:unsupported & miio:vacuum. The latter is what is driving your vacuum I expect.

Alternative way (until the PR is included, or on older OH versions) to enable your device is to override the model in the config with one of the supported rockrobo models like e.g. roborock.vacuum.a15

Same first name and also from the Netherlands but different last name :wink:

Hi Guys,
i am trying to find out how to start “pin and go” command from the app.

Is someone using this?

Not me. I was able to map certain coordinates and to issue a command that sends the robot to certain rooms, or in a specific situation, to the bin. But nothing like pin and go. I need to find the exact coordinates beforehand.

ok, rooms etc. is also working for me.
But i want the robo to go to an place an stay there till i clean sensors etc.
or even make it smart if sensor etc is full or dirty go to point XY

Thanks maybe someone got this “function” :slight_smile:

Not sure what you exactly look for. You can indeed goto a location. The robot will ‘fall asleep’ if no further commands are given.
You can use this little addon to find the location coordinates. Xiaomi Vacuum Map Viewer (to find coordinates for zone cleaning)

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Ooooh I like that. Hadn’t thought of automatically sending the robot somewhere when cleaning is needed. But yes it’s quite easy to do.
Map all of the sensors to items and create a rule: when they reach the threshold, send to “place to be cleaned”.
The user above has shared what I used to map the coordinates.
Just define a specific place (I used the garbage bin) pick the coordinates and send it there.

hey thanks, this what i want to do. i thought i had to use the “pin and go” function so solve my need.

yes but therefore i need the coordinates, and this i can accomplish with the map! So thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile:

No worries happy to help!

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I’m using Network Binding to ping my robot to detect if it’s online or not, but it does not seem a decent way. Is there another way to check the device’s online/offline status?

Hi @marcel_verpaalen,
I updated the PR and now it’s ready for another review: [miio] Add support for Dreame L10 Pro vacuum cleaner (p2029) by leifbladt · Pull Request #12803 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub


Hi! I have a Dreame Bot D9 Max (dreame.vacuum.p2259) and I cannot understand how to use map visualization/extraction. I see on another project (on hass GitHub - PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Xiaomi-Cloud-Map-Extractor: This custom integration provides a way to present a live view of a map for Xiaomi (Roborock/Viomi/Roidmi/Dreame) vacuums without a need for rooting. ) that was made around this binding, that my vacuum cleaner is compatible.
my openhab see my thing as:

UID: miio:generic:1F10108C
label: Dreame Bot
thingTypeUID: miio:basic
  cloudServer: de
  refreshInterval: 30
  host: 192.168.x.y
  model: dreame.vacuum.p2259
  communication: cloud
  deviceId: "52*****8"
  timeout: 15000
  token: 744********************659

@life_is_life great. I’ll review it and hopefully we get it it merged.

In PiotrMachowski integration though he took indeed the cloud integration & map parsing based on the miio binding, he also extended it with parsing of the map formats for viomi, ro & dreame.
The miio binding only supports roborock map format. Hence it is why it does not work for your vacuum.
It would require some development to build such support also in the miio binding.