Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Binding

okay, that (2nd one) worked indeed proper (in the sense that command was transformed well and the robot received it and did not return an error)
So you prob need to fiddle with the parameters in the "in": [] array until you get the right ones.
you could try with miio-python to see if you can get it to work with that and than it will be easy to ‘translate’ the command to openhab.

You don’t need the cloud, this is only for specific situations where your device is not accepting local commands or is outside of your regular network/subnet. For map receiving you don’t need to enable it (the map is anyway pulled from the cloud regardless of this setting).

but you are right for this model OH does not support map. maps are only available for rockrobo devices.

Thanks for the hint I deactivated cloud on my other robots as well.

Can you give me a bit more information on miio-python maybe a website where I find docs how to use it?

Yeah really a pity they didn’t stick to the roborock programming as they did with their first model…

I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but has there been any progress in making the binding compatible with the roborock app as well??

No, there is no intention to do so. Little advantage, big effort.
It uses a different communication method.

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Hi there.

Im a new owner of Xiaomi Mi Vacuum Mop 2 Pro+ (ijai.vacuum.v3) and i want to control it by openHAB.

Surprisingly , lot of functions are working, e.g., start, stop sweep / mop, go to charge, mode change, suction level…but there is a one thing what i needed, and cant get it work. I want a possibility to choice,the exact room, with a want to clean.

So at first, i need to find out the room IDs
I tried execute command get_map, but it gives me back this:


I tried more commands: get_map_v1, get_map_v2, get_room_mapping, but without success, it not return anything

Can you give me a hint??
ijai.vacuum.v3-miot-experimental.json (50.5 KB)

It is unclear how the rooms are coded.
get_map is to get the latest mapid from the cloud in order to download the (encoded) map.

Your best chance is to try the various numbers and see which room it goes. The room numbers start typically with 10 as first room

I‘m curious, did you manage to get a command with an parameter (in) working? I‘m still struggling.
Are the siid and aiid of the mop 2 pro identical to the mop 2s?

Maybe this helps you, here is the list of aiid/siid for your robot:

Hi Marcel, Andreas, thanks for reply.

Andreas, I’ve read your posts from few days ago. We are trying to find out the same thing!
So i tried the commands as you descripted, and the outputs was the same… same behavior, same errors, same “bling”.
I think, the ssids and piids are identical. I am based on this page https://home.miot-spec.com/spec/ijai.vacuum.v3
So, my best result is, as yours:


It gaves me a one “bling” and:


Im dont know the rooms IDs, also as you, so the “10” from [24.10,25.0,26.1] is only my estimate.
At the moment, i think, we need to try the python-miio to find the correct parameters to fill the part: “in”: [].

I did quick check for you in the mihome app code for the v19
which makes me think you need in the in array something like:
[ “10,11,12”, 1,1]

or in words: a string with the roomIds (separated with comma) the model which seems to be the sweeptype dunno exactly what that expects and the per which is I guess starting/stopping/pausing.

here some of the relevant parts of the source:

  function controlClean(status) {
    var rooIds = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : [];
    var per = status == _SCPublic.SCControlParam.start ? _SCPublic.SCSetRoomCleanParam.start : _SCPublic.SCSetRoomCleanParam.pause;
    var model = _SCDevice.SCDevice.stateModel.S2P8_sweepType == _SCPublic.SCCleanModel.border ? _SCPublic.SCSetRoomModeParam.border : _SCPublic.SCSetRoomModeParam.auto;
    _WLLog.default.log('controlClean_s2p8:', _SCDevice.SCDevice.stateModel.S2P8_sweepType);
    return setRoomClean(rooIds, per, model);

  function setRoomClean(ids, per, model) {
    var values = [ids.join(","), model, per];
var params = _encapDo(_SCNetEnum.default.NetServer.S7sweep, _SCNetEnum.default.S7SweepAction.S7A3_setRoomClean, values);
var matches = /function\s*(\w*)/i.exec(arguments.callee.toString());
    _WLLog.default.log(_WLDateUtils.default.nowText() + " \u9009\u623F\u95F4\u6E05\u626B:", matches[1], params);

 var SCSetRoomCleanParam = {
    stop: 0,
    start: 1,
    pause: 2,
    puaseFalse: 3
  exports.SCSetRoomCleanParam = SCSetRoomCleanParam;
  var SCSetRoomModeParam = {
    auto: 0,
    border: 1
  exports.SCSetRoomModeParam = SCSetRoomModeParam;
  var SCBuildParam = {
    noBuild: 0,
    onlyBuild: 1,
    buildSweep: 2

Thanks for checking the code, but unfortunately I still did not manage to get it work.

'action{“siid”:7,“aiid”:3,“in”:[ “10,11,12,13”, 1,1]}‘

I’ll try out more variants next week.

Andreas, Marcel, the command doesn’t work for me either.

But, yesterday a spend lot of hours to search some more informations.
I found this thread:

The syntax of the command is little different as we excepted. Regarding to ChrisM and anDuR posts, the syntax is:


And it works!!! The vacuum start to clean.

But for me, i still don’t know the room IDs. I tried 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, but the vacuum still start to clean all rooms.

But, there is a another solution to get a right command direct from the Mi home app.
In the mentioned thread, there is a android version of Mi home by vevs, which make it possible to log and save the messages to file, so you can get the exact command, what you need.

I need some time to try it out, but christmas holidays ends, and there will be less time :confused:

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My first room starts at 16. So 16, 17 etc. I’ve also read about certain vaccums using A B C to identify rooms, maybe try that too?

Correct, that was how I figured out the commands for my roborock s6 max v.

But how about first using this command to find out the map id:


And then use the following command to find out the room ids:
Robot_Command.sendCommand(‘action{“did”:“vacuum-get-map-room-list”,“siid”:10,“aiid”:13,“in”:[{“piid”:2,“value”:map-id from the previous command}]}’)

Thanks to you we now use the correct syntax so this command should work.

Ok update: I tested it out my own - but it did not work for me neither. It only reported back something like Room1 Id10 although in the saved map I have got three rooms.

Yep, me to, only 1 room, with ID 10.
I finally succeeded to get log output from android Mi home app by vevs.
I got this command, when i start clean the specific room:

2023-01-09 16:43:56 -> {"params":{"aiid":3,"did":"1027817822","in":["11",0,1],"siid":7}} /miotspec/action
  • 1027817822 is my device ID
  • 11 is from 24 - clean-room-ids
  • 0 is rom 25 -clean-room-mode
  • 1 is from 26 - clean-room-oper

But now, how to implement it to acceptable format by OH.
I tried few versions:

xiaomi_robot_execute.sendCommand('{"params":{"aiid":3,"did":"1027817822","in":["11",0,1],"siid":7}} /miotspec/action')

none of them worked. Any ideas?

Tried this one yet:


Your last one is the formatted the way OH miio binding needs it.
The value in did is not relevant → in the binding we set it to the command to have it recognizable so we don’t need to remember what the aiid/siid etc mean.

This is indeed what was expected from the source code.

I am curious as it seems than to accept two formats as you said "in":[{"piid":24,"value":10},{"piid":25,"value":0},{"piid":26,"value":1}]} was also working for you.

Or how about combining the two formats:


Put the room id into brackets because it is formatted as a string while the parameters for mode and operation are unit8.
But I’m just guessing.

Success! The {“piid”:24,“value”:“11”} got the trick.

The command below works as well, if you want to clean more rooms.


for rooms with ID 11 and 12

Thank you guys.


Thanks to you Tommi and of course thanks to you Marcel!

Mine works as well, was a bit try and error with my room ids, three rooms from 10-12 and of course id 12 it was…
But now it works!


I just have one floor. Frequently my Roborock S5 is changing the map (closed doors, stuck somewhere) and then it will not enter a room or is totaly lost.
Then I need to open the Xiaomi App and load my manual saved map.

I want to accomplish this by openhab. I have tried to read the actual map.
Sendind the command “get_map” to a “miio:vacuum:1234567:actions#commands” linked item let me read the map ID.
The item roborockCommands will change to “retry” when not moving. While moving it will change to result":[“robomap%2F987654321%2F16”]

No I know the Map ID of a working map.

But how to tell roborock to the load the map when I see his “self changed map” is wrong?

I have tried several commands and methods, even json formated Strings. Nothing worked.

I have this channels: