Z-Uno - Arduino Z-Wave node

So I’m thinking about getting a Z-Uno to water four of my plants… using a 4x analogue in pins (for 4 moisture sensors) and 4 digital out pins (for the Solid state relays to 4 small pumps)… Before I buy the stuff though… am I correct in understanding that OpenHAB allows the following channels to be added and used?

Those should likely work for me… I’ll likely add 4x ZUNO_SENSOR_MULTILEVEL, and 4x ZUNO_SWITCH_BINARY on that device… Am I missing anything about the current OpenHAB support? Thanks in advance!

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For anyone that wants to go the route that I took (compile the binding with your own DB XML), here is a thread where I documented my process to get up and running with the Z-Uno.

My use case was an RGB LED light strip:

@chris I recently discovered that Z-Uno allows you to set your own Product ID from within the sketch. Using this product ID, there can be multiple database entries for the Z-Uno, each with a unique product ID. See the documentation Here.

Without using this function, the product ID defaults to 0X0110 and 0X0001 resulting in 0110:0001

However, you can use this function to set your own product ID which will result in 0111:XXXX (the 0111 is not editable, the XXXX is whatever you set it to be).

Hope this helps!