Z-Wave 2 Binding in OpenHAB 2 - strange behavior of Fibaro Multisensor FGMS001

Thanks - I’ve updated the database.

Maybe your device is different. The issue I just fixed on the version @wolf_from_the_north has is both tamper and motion were defined the same, so I don’t see any way that they wouldn’t have both been triggered.

Hello Chris!

Well, maybe it is different. I’ve just assumed that it’s the same device with the same problem because he reported a problem in this thread :slight_smile: Anyway, glad to hear it’s solved.

Best regards,

thank you all for the support and the quickfix.
can you also tell me what to do now ? I read that you updated the database, is this something that openhab 2 does online or do i need to update to a newer version of the zwave binding ?
also @davorf the fix you proposed is what i also did , i did a fresh install beginning with openhab 2 so no accociations where there, i linked as before all the ones to the openhab controller.
I suppose that after the fix from chris you can now relink them to the ophab controller :wink:

@chris thank you for helping me out for the 1000nd time :wink:

A fair assumption, but there are multiple versions of the device, and they work very differently so I prefer not to assume :wink:

You’ll need to update to the latest snapshot of the zwave binding which can normally be done by uninstalling the binding in paper ui and reinstalling it. However right now all builds are broken - hopefully this will be fixed in a few days and as soon as it is I’ll do an update.

OK supper solution chris !

thanks again for the support :wink:


I’m not sure if you could update a binding this way. Maybe I’ve misunderstood this post by @rlkoshak:

Best regards,

Yes - you can. However it will only work in updating the same framework version as you are running - so if you are running the snapshot, then it will update to the newest snapshot (since it’s updating). If you run a specific version (eg 2.0) then it will download the same version since that binding hasn’t changed.

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Thank you for the clarification. I totally misunderstood that concept.

Best regards,

Hi guys!

Sorry if I did not get it - what’s the solution now to get the old fibaro motion sensors’ motion state now?
I upgraded to Zwave binding but still have no working motion state.



Since the last update that crashed my whole installation and recreation of the z-wave network, there’ two things I noticed: door contacts now report open/closed instead of on/off which it was before the update and the Fibaro Motion sensor stopped to report at all while it worked on the older builds from March.

Strange thing on excluding the sensor is also the following Exception (the sensor is excluded as the color of the LED is red on battery insert):

12:32:05.102 [ERROR] [ve.internal.protocol.ZWaveController] - Exception during ZWave thread: Input 2. {}
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal status REMOVED. The thing was in state ONLINE and not in REMOVING
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager$1.ensureValidStatus(ThingManager.java:189)[106:org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing:]
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.internal.ThingManager$1.statusUpdated(ThingManager.java:146)[106:org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing:]
	at org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler.updateStatus(BaseThingHandler.java:386)[106:org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.handler.ZWaveThingHandler.ZWaveIncomingEvent(ZWaveThingHandler.java:1235)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.notifyEventListeners(ZWaveController.java:567)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.serialmessage.RemoveNodeMessageClass.handleRequest(RemoveNodeMessageClass.java:95)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.handleIncomingRequestMessage(ZWaveController.java:248)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.handleIncomingMessage(ZWaveController.java:214)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController.access$7(ZWaveController.java:208)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]
	at org.openhab.binding.zwave.internal.protocol.ZWaveController$ZWaveInputThread.run(ZWaveController.java:1324)[214:org.openhab.binding.zwave:]

Though the sensor reports itself with the LED as excluded, in OpenHAB and HABmin, the node is still present. Any way to clean up those “dead nodes”?

This is because the framework has now stopped bindings from setting devices as removed so you need to delete them manually now. I will need to remove this from the binding.

Hi @chris,

so you mean there won’t be an “exclude device” on the controller any more? Currently, when I delete a device in Paper UI or Habmin, however, it is re-discovered as the same node number every time I do a fresh inclusion. Obviously, the old node isn’t paired any more so I have a lot of “dead” items in my Inbox. Is there a way to fully remove those from the controller, so they are not ending up in the inbox any more (similar to: what to do with a broken device and how to remove it for good)?

No - this will remain, but once you’ve excluded the thing, you will need to then delete the thing manually (as things stand at the moment I think).

If you exclude the device, then you shouldn’t have these “dead” items in your inbox.

And what about devices I cannot properly exclude (broken device)?

Ok, so this is unrelated to the exclude question?

Then just use the remove device option on the thing. Maybe I’ll look at improving this interface, but that’s the way to do it.

Hi @chris,

first thanks for your help!

Well - situation was the same. Deletion of either excluded or dead device in PaperUI and Habmin for me results in (some) devices to reappear there, when I scan for new devices or refresh Z-Wave. Though most often after exclusion the devices stays off the inbox, but I had the case a couple of times that they came up again even when properly excluded (at least the device said it was excluded). I suppose the controller still “thinks” it’s paired with the device. Is there an option to delete it from the controller (obviously other than a hard reset)?

Yes - as above, use the remove device from controller option.

It’s not guaranteed to succeed, but currently that’s the only thing I can offer within OH.

Hi @chris,

thanks. I’ll give it a try!

Hi guys!

Back to the initial topic - how do I get my fibaro motion sensor working again (motion alarm)?
