Z-Wave device POPP 700982 (Door/Window sensor) - Unknown association group 1

This is what my network map looks like. Seems like all the nodes in question talk directly to the controller.

About sniffing - is there a way to do this? I believe I have the hardware needed for it (a SDR receiver), but I’m not sure if there’s any software support for sniffing and decoding z-wave traffic.
EDIT: looks like there are some resources for sniffing out there (using rtl-sdr dongle), I’ll keep it as a last resort.

Except node 5 …

Unfortunately this shows neighbours, and not routes - it’s not possible to tell what links are good quality and what ones aren’t.

Yes, Silabs have software that can be loaded into a dongle to act as a sniffer - it’s called Zniffer and tehre is a recent discussion about it on the forum.


Right - I missed that node 5 is not direct neighbor of the controller.

For sniffing I found this and want to give it a try: https://github.com/andersesbensen/rtl-zwave
Will also look at zniffer, but looks like that means buying more HW.

You can flash and use pretty much any controller, but be sure you have the original firmware if you want to turn it back into a controller. I asked Aeon Labs for the gen5 zstick firmware and they sent it to me, so I’ve been using mine as the zniffer. The RSSI is really low, but that might be a hardware issue (I’d retired it a couple years ago).

I stumbled upon this thread when searching for help concerning inclusion of the Popp door / window sensor. In the meantime I was able to include it successfully so would like to offer a solution here for others looking for help.

As mentioned above the sensor is not supported under 2.4; I chose the easy way and waited for 2.5 to be released. After (seemingly successful) inclusion no xml file was written and the sensor did not react when opening / closing the window. As Chris explained above the ‘Device initialisation complete’ message does not signify successful inclusion. The trick is to wake up the sensor really often after inclusion in order to get the interview completed. I probably woke it 30 - 40 times, all in direct range of the controller. Unfortunately, the manual instructs to click the tamper switch once to wake up the device. I found that a triple click is required in order for the controller to continue the interview which is clearly visible in the logs. I do not know whether the manual is wrong or my specific controller (ZWave.me UZB stick) reacts differently from others. According to the manual the triple click is supposed to put the sensor into inclusion mode. In any case, it helped me to get the sensor fully included.

I had that happen on a totally different device & brand and support determined the manual was in error.

I’ve added that information to the device overview page.


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