Zigbee - bitronvideo and Ikea

Just for reference, another user also using the Ember coordinator with the Ikea switch -:

Yes, that’s me. BTW when detecting such control outlet if I wait a few seconds before accepting it to the inbox it will provide the full name (“IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI control outlet”), which I rename to something shorter within my own convention (eg. TSW1 etc.).

Yes, the binding uses a two stage discovery - as soon as it discovers a new device, it creates an entry in the inbox so that the user has feedback that something has been discovered. Once the full information about the device is known (by reading information from the device itself) the inbox is updated with this so the user knows exactly what it is.

This is done so that the user isn’t left thinking the device isn’t found, when it is found and it can take a little bit of time to fully discover (since some devices can take a lot of time).

Unfortunately, it does not work. Even if I define it as a switch.

I’ll reset all, and try again.

Restarted from scratch. The power switch is now discovered as IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI on/off switch, and the only channel is Level Control - Dimmer.
Attaching an item (dimmer or switch) does not change the status of the thing.

The on/off switch was this time not discovered. Will try again this evening.