Zigbee Not working properly?

I set up a Linear husbzb-1 last night here at home. I was able to move my Zwave Gen5 info over to the new Linear stick via the ‘shift’ techinque, but I can’t seem to get the Zigbee working correctly.

I installed the Zigbee binding, and added an Ember EM35x controller. I set the port /ttyUSB1 and the baud rate to 57600. This seems correct and the controller shows online, nice green checkmark in Habmin.

I then was able to actually link 2 bulbs to the controller, an GE Link bulb, and a Osram A19 RGB bulb. Both shows as unknown devices but did show as online with their channel info.

I add both lights to my items file as follows:

Color  TestZigbee           "Test Zigbee Light"  { channel="zigbee:device:161a65d9f8a:7cb03eaa00b0013d:7CB03EAA00B0013D:3:color:color"}
Dimmer TestGeBulb           "Test GE Light"     { channel="zigbee:device:161a65d9f8a:7ce5240000046c31:7CE5240000046C31:1:switch:level"}

But I was then unable to control either light in a sitemap. I also tried them as …:color_color and …:switch_level but could not control them.

So I then deleted both devices within Habmin. But not when the Zigbee binding searches again it does not find either bulb? And both lights still appear linked to the controller and do not shows as unlinked when I turn them OFF and back ON.

I turned on debugging and this what I see in the log when trying to search

2018-02-18 12:17:04.922 [DEBUG] [bee.discovery.ZigBeeDiscoveryService] - Starting ZigBee scan for zigbee:coordinator_ember:161a65d9f8a
2018-02-18 12:17:04.923 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - Permit join to 65532/0 for 60 seconds.
2018-02-18 12:17:04.924 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningRequest [0/0 -> 65532/0, cluster=0036, TID=0F, permitDuration=60, tcSignificance=true]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.924 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=65532/0, profile=0000, cluster=54, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, sequence=15, payload=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.924 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EzspSendBroadcastRequest [destination=65532, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=15], radius=31, messageTag=15, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.925 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP queue: 1
2018-02-18 12:17:04.925 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP: EzspSendBroadcastRequest [destination=65532, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=15], radius=31, messageTag=15, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.926 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=7, ackNum=2, reTx=false, data=0F 00 36 FC FF 00 00 36 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 0F 1F 0F 03 00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.928 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0036, TID=10, permitDuration=60, tcSignificance=true]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.928 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - TX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=54, addressMode=DEVICE, radius=31, sequence=16, payload=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.930 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=16], messageTag=16, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:04.931 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP queue: 1
2018-02-18 12:17:04.931 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - Sent queue larger than window [1 > 1].
2018-02-18 12:17:05.042 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=2, ackNum=0, reTx=false, data=0F 80 36 00 EF]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.042 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspSendBroadcastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=239]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.043 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspSendBroadcastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=239]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.043 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspSendBroadcastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=239]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.043 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - TX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastRequest [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=16], messageTag=16, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.043 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=3, reTx=false, data=10 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 10 10 03 00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.044 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=3, ackNum=0, reTx=false, data=0F 90 45 05 00 00 36 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 EF FF 00 00 00 FF FF 03 00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.044 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_BROADCAST_LOOPBACK, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=239], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.044 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_BROADCAST_LOOPBACK, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=239], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.044 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=54, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=15, payload=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.045 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0036, TID=NULL, permitDuration=60, tcSignificance=true]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.045 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - Sent queue larger than window [1 > 1].
2018-02-18 12:17:05.045 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=4]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.162 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameNak [ackNum=0]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.163 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=4, reTx=true, data=10 00 34 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 10 10 03 00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.163 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - Sent queue larger than window [1 > 1].
2018-02-18 12:17:05.289 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=1]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.289 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=4, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=10 80 34 00 F0]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.289 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=240]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.290 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=240]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.290 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspSendUnicastResponse [status=EMBER_SUCCESS, sequence=240]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.290 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=5]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.290 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=5, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=10 90 45 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 40 01 00 00 F0 FF 00 00 00 FF FF 03 00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.291 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=240], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.291 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=240], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.291 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=54, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=16, payload=00 3C 01]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.292 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningRequest [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=0036, TID=NULL, permitDuration=60, tcSignificance=true]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.292 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=6]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.292 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=6, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=10 90 45 00 00 00 36 80 00 00 40 01 00 00 F1 FF 00 00 00 FF FF 02 00 00]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.293 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32822, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=241], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.293 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspIncomingMessageHandler [type=EMBER_INCOMING_UNICAST, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=32822, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=241], lastHopLqi=255, lastHopRssi=0, sender=0, bindingIndex=255, addressIndex=255, messageContents=00 00]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.293 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX APS: ZigBeeApsFrame [sourceAddress=0/0, destinationAddress=0/0, profile=0000, cluster=32822, addressMode=null, radius=0, sequence=16, payload=00 00]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.293 [DEBUG] [tsystems.zigbee.ZigBeeNetworkManager] - RX CMD: ManagementPermitJoiningResponse [0/0 -> 0/0, cluster=8036, TID=NULL, status=SUCCESS]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.294 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=7]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.298 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=7, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=10 90 3F 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 40 11 00 00 F0 10 00 00]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.299 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=240], messageTag=16, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.299 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=240], messageTag=16, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.300 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, indexOrDestination=0, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ADDRESS_DISCOVERY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_RETRY, EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=240], messageTag=16, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.300 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNum=0]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.947 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - <-- RX ASH frame: AshFrameData [frmNum=0, ackNum=1, reTx=false, data=10 90 3F 04 FC FF 00 00 36 00 00 00 08 01 00 00 EF 0F 00 00]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.947 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - RX EZSP: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_MULTICAST_WITH_ALIAS, indexOrDestination=65532, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=239], messageTag=15, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.948 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - RX: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_MULTICAST_WITH_ALIAS, indexOrDestination=65532, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=239], messageTag=15, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.948 [DEBUG] [zigbee.dongle.ember.ZigBeeDongleEzsp] - Unhandled EZSP Frame: EzspMessageSentHandler [type=EMBER_OUTGOING_MULTICAST_WITH_ALIAS, indexOrDestination=65532, apsFrame=EmberApsFrame [profileId=0, clusterId=54, sourceEndpoint=0, destinationEndpoint=0, options=[EMBER_APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY], groupId=0, sequence=239], messageTag=15, status=EMBER_SUCCESS, messageContents=]
2018-02-18 12:17:05.948 [DEBUG] [e.ember.internal.ash.AshFrameHandler] - --> TX ASH frame: AshFrameAck [ackNu

Does anyone know of another software that you can access the zigbee controller and see what is on it? Should I attempt to reset the controller in Habmin and then reset the bulbs and try again?

What do you mean by “access the zigbee controller and see what is on it”? Nothing is normally “on it”. If you are thinking about how the zwave controller works where it remembers all the devices connected, then this is not how zigbee works.

I’m not sure that resetting the coordinator will help, but you can always try it. Resetting the bulbs is more likely to work - put the coordinator into include mode, then reset the bulb is normally a good way forward.


Chris. Thanks for the help and response. So yes, I was initially thinking Zigbee worked similar to Zwave with the controller storing Node type info of what devices it was paired with. But I think that is not the case with Zigbee?

But anyway, I am having some mixed success. I was able to pair a few Osram bulbs and a GE LInk bulb with the controller. And I was able to initially control them.

But now they all show as "Node is not found on the network? But i can’t think why they are no longer showing up as available? The controller itself shows online, and the lights are pretty close, within 10 feed of the controller.

Correct - ZigBee is not like this at all. ZigBee is a bit more ‘ad-hoc’ in that devices can come and go and there’s no central register of devices that are on the network. It’s like an IP network - you can plug in new devices, or remove them, the server can discover them, and you can get security credentials, but there’s no real central registry of all the computers on the network.

Well, when the binding restarts, it needs to scan for devices again - as above, there’s no central registry. I’m currently improving the persistence which will help with this.