Zigbee pairing issue as long as the device name is not resolved

Hi, i am using a ember zigbee stick with Sonoff temperature sonsors. When adding a new sensor, before the name is resolved (shown as Unkown Device + S/N) the device is stuck in “node did not complete discovery” state. When waiting until the name is resolved, before adding the new thing it works.

Did somone else see this? Does it make sense to delay the discovery of zigbee things until the name is resolved (or something else)? Or lock the add button in the UI to avoid running into this?
It took me quite some time to realize this, as the name is usually resolved short time before the scan is completed. So i have to start the scan and reset the sensor at the same time to succeed.

I think you’re misunderstanding things here. The discovery is not delayed until the name is resolved - discovery is ongoing, and finding the name is part of discovery.

Normally the Sonoff temeprature sensors work well - I have a lot of them here. However sometimes with battery devices you need to keep them awake so that the binding can discover the device information (including its clusters, attributes, and also the name).

I have removed and readded a sensor right now, to get some screenshots of this. The first is right after the thing is found and the second is right after the name changed, the progress bar while scanning is also shown on the screenshots.

PS: model is SNZB-02

Ignore the “progress” bar - it means nothing. The progress bar is just a UI display and is not linked to the binding - it doesn’t mean that the binding is still in join / scan mode, and it definately has no link to the device interview whereby the name, clusters, channel etc are discovered. The discovery happens in the background and you can move away from this window and it will still continue. Once the interview phase where the binding asks the device what it supports is complete, the channels will be available in the thing.

Thanks for the answer, so it should be fine to add the device when it’s name is ‘Unknown Zigbee Device’.

I gave it some more tries, every time i add it to fast it is dead, see screenshots of the thing. I waited some 2-3 minutes

Try #1 - fast, dead

Try #2 - fast, dead

Try #3 - fast, dead

Try #4 - slow, okay

I think so. Personally I normally wait because I want to make sure I know what the device is before adding it as a thing. It should only take 30 seconds or so for the interview to complete, and I want to make sure I’m not adding the wrong device (I’ve always got devices sitting around that I use for testing :slight_smile: ).

The interview is actually nothing to do with the binding - it’s done in the underlying zigbee library, and the library knows nothing about “things” etc in openhab. The device should come online once discovery is completed, and you should then have a list of channels (channels aren’t available until after discovery is completed as the binding doesn’t know about the device till then).

So i will wait too and perhaps somebody in the future will find this in the forum and it helps him or her.

Thank you for the support !

If I get some time I’ll try and test this myself. Fundamentally it should work, but it’s possible something gets blocked somewhere…