Zigbee2mqtt and Zigbee bulbs small tutorial

I’m still on MQTT 1.x, but with MQTT 2.x it should be something like this:

Things file:

Bridge mqtt:broker:b51_1 "WRT"@"B51" [ host="192.168.x.x", secure=false]

Thing mqtt:topic:lg_ikea_color_1 "Ikea Color 1" (mqtt:broker:b51_1) {
      Type colorHSB:color         "Ikea Color 1"              [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/ikea_led_color_1/dumb", commandTopic="zigbee2mqtt/ikea_led_color_1/set", transformationPatternOut="JS:HSBtoRGB.js" ]


Color   LG_IKEA_Color_1_M24 "Color M24 lamp [%s]" (gLights) [ "Lighting" ]  { channel=" mqtt:topic:lg_ikea_color_1:color" }

JS Transformation file unchanged.

Sitemap with new item LG_IKEA_Color_1_M24:

Default item=LG_IKEA_Color_1_M24

Please notice dummy stateTopic zigbee2mqtt/ikea_led_color_1/dumb as item is not receiving updates from bulb (new transformation from XY to HSB color space would be required, as Z2M reports from ikea bulb this way {"state":"OFF","linkquality":94,"last_seen":"2020-01-01T22:45:21+01:00","brightness":254,"color_mode":2,"color":{"x":0,"y":0}})

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@kluszczyn thats for posting your setup… I am also using MQTT v1…

Here is the MQTT topic for the Hue RGB bulb… Got any pointers for making it work the way you have?


And this is the topic for a plain white bulb…


UPDATE : Actually your example works just fine for the Hue RGB bulb so that is a massive bonus!!!

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@TommySharp, I’m glad that it worked for you!
For plain white bulb you can rewrite transformation to keep only brightness channel.

Thread was about avoiding transformation so why?
Perheaps it’s not valid with this kind of info ?

You are right, solution is not in line with topic thread. I should rather post in Zigbee2mqtt and Zigbee bulbs small tutorial. Unfortunately, I don’t know how (and if possible) to move existing post to another thread. Sorry.

Moved from: Zigbee2mqtt revisited: No more ugly transformations

With your solution my Hue and Tradfri Bulbs only starts with 10% Brightness. Is there a way to start them with the old state at turn off?


Hi @R-Rosenow, welcome to the openHAB community!

JS transformation only transforms information provided by openHAB color item to json format expected by Z2M. 10%, at least in Ikea bulb case, is minimum brightness value bulb can ‘produce’. So I suspect, when bulb receives command ON without color/brightness information then switches to minimum brightness. You can extend json string for command ON adding key brightness and desired value (or color key too). This is workaround, not real solution, but at least you will have control over initial brightness (or color).

That don’t work. I have tested this:

return ‘{“state”:“ON”, “brightness”:215}’

With MQTT.fx this message work, but not at the JS at Openhab.

In the Openhab Documentation you can read this, that could be the problem, but there is no explain how to do it.

" Channel Type “colorRGB”, “colorHSB”

  • on : An optional string (like “BRIGHT”) that is recognized as on state. (ON will always be recognized.)
  • off : An optional string (like “DARK”) that is recognized as off state. (OFF will always be recognized.)
    *** onBrightness : If you connect this channel to a Switch item and turn it on,**

color and saturation are preserved from the last state, but the brightness will be set to this configured initial brightness (default: 10%).

You can connect this channel to a Color, Dimmer and Switch item.

This channel will publish the color as comma separated list to the MQTT broker, e.g. “112,54,123” for an RGB channel (0-255 per component) and “360,100,100” for a HSB channel (0-359 for hue and 0-100 for saturation and brightness).

The channel expects values on the corresponding MQTT topic to be in this format as well.

Do you have an Idea?

Thank you.

I’ve just checked JS modification as below with IKEA color bulb and it works as expected

    if (x=="ON" || x=="INCREASE") {
        return '{"state":"ON","brightness":250}'

Message from Z2M zigbee2mqtt/ikea_led_color_1


Please pay attention to quotation marks " is not the same as - see https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_charset.asp

PS. To preserve code formatting use code fences ``` around code
(or marked button in editor

Good luck!

It dont work for me.

Can you show your Item & Thing for example?


Thing topic philips_hue_fensterlampe “Fensterlampe” @ “MQTT” {
Type colorHSB:color “Farbe” [ stateTopic = “zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/state”,
commandTopic = “zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/set”, transformationPatternOut=“JS:HSBtoRGB.js” ]
Type number : linkquality “Verbindung” [ stateTopic = “zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/linkquality” ]


Switch wohnzimmer_fensterlampe “Fensterlampe” (glichter_gesamt,glichter_wohnzimmer) { channel=“mqtt:topic:Mosquitto:philips_hue_fensterlampe:color” }

Color wohnzimmer_color_fensterlampe “Fensterlampe” [“Lighting”] { channel=“mqtt:topic:Mosquitto:philips_hue_fensterlampe:color” }

Dimmer wohnzimmer_fensterlampe_dimmer “Fensterlampe” { channel=“mqtt:topic:Mosquitto:philips_hue_fensterlampe:color” }

Number wohnzimmer_fensterlampe_verbindung “Fensterlampe [%.1f %%]” { channel=“mqtt:topic:Mosquitto:philips_hue_fensterlampe:linkquality” }

Thats the output of Zigbee2Mqtt:

Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/state’, payload ‘ON’
Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/linkquality’, payload ‘55’
Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/brightness’, payload ‘26’
Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/color-x’, payload ‘0.4062’
Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/color-y’, payload ‘0.3669’
Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/color-saturation’, payload ‘55.1’
Jan 12 13:54:02 openHABianPi npm[2760]: zigbee2mqtt:info 2020-01-12 13:54:02: MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/philips_hue_fensterlampe/color-hue’, payload ‘46.2’

For things/items definition please see post#34

I see there no difference.

OK, so it looks like binding mqtt1.x and mqtt2.x behaves differently. I did my tests with modified JS file return '{"state":"ON","brightness":250}' on mqtt1.x

When I switched to mqtt2.x it started behaving like you described. To fix it please update channel definition as follow:

    Type colorHSB   : color         "Ikea Color 1"              [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/ikea_led_color_1/dumb", commandTopic="zigbee2mqtt/ikea_led_color_1/set", transformationPatternOut="JS:HSBtoRGB.js", onBrightness=70 ]

adding onBrightness=70, where 70 is desired brightness when switching on.

Hope this helps also in your case.

1 Like

Thats the solution that I was search for.

It works great! Thanks.

Add into configuration.yaml

    output: attribute

and stop to use transformationPatternOut

That don‘t work for me.

Can you post your things and item?


Bridge mqtt:broker:MQTTBroker [ host="", secure=false, username="myuser", password="mypasswd" , clientID="openhab2", reconnectTime=5 ] {
    Thing topic xiaomi-contact"xiaomi-contact" {
        Type number : battery       "battery"           [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0001c2d860/battery" ]     
        Type number : voltage       "voltage"           [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0001c2d860/voltage" ]     
        Type switch : contact       "contact"           [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0001c2d860/contact", on="true", off="false" ]     
        Type number : linkquality   "linkquality"       [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/0x00158d0001c2d860/linkquality" ]     


String    Switch_Click    { channel="mqtt:topic:MQTTBroker:xiaomi-contact:click" }


homeassistant: false
permit_join: false
  base_topic: zigbee2mqtt
  server: 'mqtt://localhost'
  user: myuser
  password: mypassword
  port: /dev/ttyACM1
  output: attribute
    friendly_name: '0x00158d0001c2d860'
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I see your transformationPatternOut and I raise you a transformationPattern (in).

I loved that with your transformation I could use a single Color item and link it to OpenHAB Switch, Dimmer, and Color objects to control them with one bit of code, but it bugged me that updating the color of the device didn’t update the OpenHAB object. The next time I would pull up the ColorPicker, it would default back to white, not the current color.

So I decided to see if I could cobble up an incoming transformationPatter script.

My Thing definition (the important part is the colorHSB definition):

  Thing topic testlightstrip {
      Type switch : toggleonoff [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/test_osram_flexstrip/state", commandTopic="zigbee2mqtt/test_osram_flexstrip/set/state", on="ON", off="OFF", transformationPatternOut="JS:HSBtoRGB.js"]
      Type dimmer : dim [ stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/test_osram_flexstrip/brightness", commandTopic="zigbee2mqtt/test_osram_flexstrip/set/brightness_percent", transformationPattern="JS:byte2percent.js" ] //, transformationPatternOut="JS:percent2byte.js"]
      //Note: Color is still SET-only:
      Type colorHSB : colorHSB [ 
        commandTopic="zigbee2mqtt/test_osram_flexstrip/set", transformationPatternOut="JS:HSBtoRGB.js", onBrightness=100, 
        stateTopic="zigbee2mqtt/test_osram_flexstrip", transformationPattern="JS:xyz2hsb.js" 

My Items:

Switch testlightstrip_sw "Test Lightstrip sw" (gTest) {channel="mqtt:topic:Mosq:testlightstrip:colorHSB"}
Dimmer testlightstrip_dim "Test Lightstrip dim" (gTest) {channel="mqtt:topic:Mosq:testlightstrip:colorHSB"}
Color  testlightstrip_color "Test Lightstrip clr" (gTest) {channel="mqtt:topic:Mosq:testlightstrip:colorHSB"}

The xyz2hsb.js transformation script:

//Convert Zigbee2MQTT's xyZ format to OpenHAB's HSB/HSV format
(function(xyz) {

    var debug=true;

    if (debug) {
        var logger = Java.type("org.slf4j.LoggerFactory").getLogger("xyz2hsb.js");
        logger.warn("Input: "+xyz);

    var json = JSON.parse(xyz);
    var x = json.color.x;
    var y = json.color.y;
    var brightness = json.brightness;

    if (debug) logger.warn("X:" + x + " Y:" + y + " B:"+ brightness);

    //The following is based on https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt/issues/3497
	if (brightness === undefined) brightness = 254; //Do I need this in this context??

	var z = 1.0 - x - y;
	var Y = (brightness / 254).toFixed(2);
	var X = (Y / y) * x;
	var Z = (Y / y) * z;

	//Convert to RGB using Wide RGB D65 conversion
	var r 	=  X * 1.656492 - Y * 0.354851 - Z * 0.255038;
	var g 	= -X * 0.707196 + Y * 1.655397 + Z * 0.036152;
	var b 	=  X * 0.051713 - Y * 0.121364 + Z * 1.011530;

	//If red, green or blue is larger than 1.0 set it back to the maximum of 1.0
	if (r > b && r > g && r > 1.0) {
		g = g / r;
		b = b / r;
		r = 1.0;
	} else if (g > b && g > r && g > 1.0) {
		r = r / g;
		b = b / g;
		g = 1.0;
	} else if (b > r && b > g && b > 1.0) {
		r = r / b;
		g = g / b;
		b = 1.0;

	//Reverse gamma correction
	r 	= r <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * r : (1.0 + 0.055) * Math.pow(r, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
	g 	= g <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * g : (1.0 + 0.055) * Math.pow(g, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;
	b 	= b <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * b : (1.0 + 0.055) * Math.pow(b, (1.0 / 2.4)) - 0.055;

	//Convert normalized decimal to decimal
	r 	= Math.round(r * 255);
	g 	= Math.round(g * 255);
	b 	= Math.round(b * 255);

	if (isNaN(r)) r = 0;
	if (isNaN(g)) g = 0;
	if (isNaN(b)) b = 0;

    if (debug) logger.warn("RGB: "+r+","+g+","+b);

    // We now have RGB!!! Now convert THAT to HSB for OpenHAB's pleasure:

    //The following based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8022885/rgb-to-hsv-color-in-javascript
    var rabs, gabs, babs, rr, gg, bb, h, s, v, diff;
    rabs = r / 255;
    gabs = g / 255;
    babs = b / 255;
    v = Math.max(rabs, gabs, babs),
    diff = v - Math.min(rabs, gabs, babs);

    if (diff == 0) {
        h = s = 0;
    } else {
        s = diff / v;
        rr = (v - rabs) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;
        gg = (v - gabs) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;
        bb = (v - babs) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2;

        if (rabs === v) {
            h = bb - gg;
        } else if (gabs === v) {
            h = (1 / 3) + rr - bb;
        } else if (babs === v) {
            h = (2 / 3) + gg - rr;
        if (h < 0) {
            h += 1;
        }else if (h > 1) {
            h -= 1;

    // var hsb = Math.round(h*360) + "," + Math.round(s * 100) + "," + Math.round(v * 100);
    var hsb = h*360.0 + "," + s * 100.0 + "," + v * 100.0;

    if (debug) logger.warn("Returning HSB: "+hsb);



Debug output shows that the xyz2hsb.js properly converts the Zigbee2MQTT’s xyz color codes back to OpenHAB’s HSB format and when you open the ColorPicker again, it shows you the current value.

I hope that this provides some value to others who want to be able to use a Color object in both directions.

Great job, but to be honest you do not need to the whole transformation on your our. First i didi it the same way.

If you define the mqtt channel as xyY color channel you could simply use the following transformations.

Reading a color value from Zigbee2mqtt (Incoming transformation

(function(i) {

    /* Aufbereitung Z2M JSON -> xyY
    /  Grundsätzlicher Ablauf
    /     1. Parsen der Eingangswerte
    /     2. Umrechnungen 
    /     3. Aufbereitung der Ausgabewerte als JSON
    // Schritt 1: Parsen
    // // Input: i = String = {"brightness":Y_value,"color":{"x":x_value,"y":y_value}}; Input: xy in [0,1], brightness in [0, 254]
    var data = JSON.parse(i);
    x = data.color.x;
    y = data.color.y;
    Y = data.brightness;

    // Schritt 2: Umrechungen
    // Input: xy in [0,1], Y in [0, 254]; Output: xy in [0, 1], Y in [0, 100]
    Y = Math.round(Y / 2.54);

    // Schritt 3: Aufbereitung der Ausgabewerte als JSON
    return x + ',' + y + ',' + Y;

}) (input)

and to send a color use this ourgoing transformation

(function(i) {

    /* Aufbereitung xyY -> Z2M JSON
    /  Grundsätzlicher Ablauf
    /     1. Parsen der Eingangswerte
    /     2. Umrechnungen 
    /     3. Aufbereitung der Ausgabewerte als JSON
    // Schritt 1: Parsen
    // Input: i = String = "x,y,Y"; Input: xy in [0,1], Y in [0, 100]
    var data = i.split(',');
    x = parseFloat(data[0]);
    y = parseFloat(data[1]);
    Y = parseFloat(data[2]);

    // Schritt 2: Umrechungen
    // Input: xy in [0,1], Y in [0, 100]; Output: xy in [0,1], Y in [0, 254]
    Y = Math.round(Y * 2.54);

    // Schritt 3: Aufbereitung der Ausgabewerte als JSON
    return '{"brightness":' + Y + ',"color":{"x":' + x + ', "y":' + y + '}}';

}) (input)

Here is the channel definition

I really like your debug idea and will definitely copy it.
