ZonedDateTime problem

  • Platform information:
    Raspberry pi3 and latest Openhabian 3.x

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong in this rule:

// Global Variables and values
var Number Thermostats = 0
var Number OldThermostat = 0
val Lowtemp = 19
val HighTemp = 23
val StartLowTempTime =
val StopLowTemptTime =

rule "Nattemp"
    Time cron "0 0 * * * ?"
        OldThermostat = Thermostats

        if (now.isAfter(StartLowTempTime) && now.isBefore(StopLowTempTime)) {
                Thermostats = LowTemp
                logInfo("heating","Rule nattemp triggering Low temp")
                if(HolidayMode.state == OFF)
                        logInfo("heating","Rule nattemp triggering High temp")
                        Thermostats = HighTemp
        var triggertDevices = gThermostats.members
        if (OldThermostat != Thermostats){
                triggertDevices.forEach [ i |
                       sendCommand(i, Thermostats)

The log gives me:

2022-01-12 16:00:00.926 [ERROR] [internal.handler.ScriptActionHandler] - Script execution of rule with UID 'nattemp-1' failed: The name 'StopLowTempTime' cannot be resolved to an item or type; line 25, column 52, length 15 in nattemp

Ahhh - damn, I see it now, the little t !!!

Reminder that your StartLowTempTime reflects when the file was loaded, not when any rule runs.